How to Know if You're a Fangirl

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1. You use slang from the fandom, eg: Instead of swearing in English you say d'Arvit (Artemis Fowl).

2. When you see hidden references in even the most irrelevant things, eg: When you see a cinnamon bun, you think of Adrien (or a sinnamon bun!) (Miraculous Ladybug).

3.  You hate when you meet someone of the same fandom because you ship yourself with a character and want to be theirs.

4. You love when you meet someone of the same fandom because you can talk to them about it.

5. You can quote large passages of text.

6. You use these quotes whenever possible.

7. When a character dies, you hit pause/stop reading and deny that they died at all, while crying because you acknowledge their death in truth, but you're in self-denial.

8. You romanticize shipped characters, with yourself or otherwise.

9. You hate anyone with the name of the antagonist and immediately start a conspiracy to drive them out of your life.

10. You always take a minute to let plot twists sink in fully, then start theorizing and ranting hysterically.

11. You strive to have as much as possible in common with the character you relate to the most/main character, eg: Clothing, habits, etc.

12. You have an OC /AU for your fandom, for shipping purposes or otherwise.

13. You cry when the characters cry.

14. You hate fluffy, emotional scenes concerning the character you ship with yourself, because you can't stand to think of them with anybody other than you.

15. You talk to yourself, because you believe that you're the only one who truly understands your corner and style of the fandom, who knows, maybe you're right!

16. Nah, that one's just me letting out my fangirl hopes and dreams. 

17. You ship at least one irrational, never gonna happen ships, either age, timelines or species difference usually prevents a relationship... note the usually (Nyeh! I don't like discussing the issue of death okay?).

18. You're hyper-aware of anyone who resembles a character and aren't afraid to go up to them and tell them so.

19. Your excuse for not doing your homework is that you're still too starry eyed from that fanfic you read last night.

20. When two of your favorite characters become canon, you run around screaming "I TOLD YOU SO!" at your friends.

21. You've actually said to someone, "I can out fangirl you!"

22. You feel insulted when someone points out a flaw in the fandom, even if it's true. 

23. You're reading this and nodding furiously.

 Author's Note

Hey there homesicles! I don't know how obsessed you are, but no matter what, be a good fangirl. Don't hate on ships just because you think that you are the only one who fit them as a couple, and don't mock other people's OCs. Seriousness aside, how many of my criteria did you fit? What's your OTP? Fandoms? Let me know in the comments, so I can delve further into the world of fangirling!

Fangirling with you,


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