Just A Stressful Day

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"Milea's Palace was absolutely stunning and Tyler was such a gentleman. We had a lovely dinner and after that he drove me back home. We watched movies on the couch and he went home really late that night. You know he even opened the car door for me?!"

Zoe was raving on about her date with Tyler since we haven't had much time to talk about it together. He seemed to be treating her right and I was really glad. After school, Zoe is coming over to my place to hang out but she wanted to invite Tyler, so I asked Dylan to come along too.

"I'm so happy for you guys! You have both been friends for so long, I cant imagine this not working out with you two! Finally we can double date now, I've always wanted to do that" I said while giggling.

Ms Rosa's class was boring, mathematics is not for me so usually Zoe and I gossip in this class together. While all of the students were learning about how to find X in a right angled triangle, we continued to discuss Zoe's love life.


It was finally lunch and I went over to the usual table and sat down next to Callie. "I know you're excited for Carter's party tomorrow night, do you want to get ready at my house and we can go together?" Callie was super excited and agreed to come over. I love how excited she gets over the small things in life.

I felt someones arms snake around my waist and I turned my head to see Dylan. He kissed me and took a seat on my other side. "Should I drive you home today since I'm coming over anyway?" Dylan asked, being great as usual.

"Yeah sounds good. Meet me at my locker after school and we can go back to mine and wait for Zoe and Tyler." Dylan gave me a quick peck on the lips and then I tuned into the conversation the rest of the group was having.

"All I'm saying is that, If you want to play paintball, be prepared to die."

"Lucas shut up, we don't want to hear the story of you getting hit in the balls again. You've told it 100 times already." Hannah was laughing as she said it, and everyone else agreed with her.

"Fine, if you don't want to hear my legendary stories, you can all miss out." He was being sarcastic, and everyone decided to ignore the comment and move on.

"I expect you guys to be at mine tomorrow night at 6:30pm. It's going to get crazy so be prepared." Carter was right, his parties were always crazy. No matter how much you try to resist it, you never can when you go to his parties. Every time his house is completely crowded with drunk teens doing stupid things that make for great stories. I don't think anyone goes home sober or bored. However I won't be drinking Friday night, but I'm sure it will be another interesting party.


I waited patiently at my locker and I felt a tap on my shoulder. Expecting Dylan I turned around and swung my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. It was so comforting, different than it usually was...but I liked it. I pulled away to chat away to him about my day until I realised it wasn't Dylan.

The boy I was hugging was Liam. My face dropped and I quickly pulled away, trying to undo what I had just done. "I honestly thought you were someone else, I'm so sorry!" My face went flush red and I started stammering on my words.

The last thing I expected was for Liam to start laughing at me. "It's really no big deal, but now that I'm here, do you want to walk home with me?"

I was about to reply until I heard another voice speak, "Thanks bro, but I'm giving her a lift." I turned to see Dylan and was glad that he was being kind to Liam.

Before I could think about what I was saying next, I just blurted out, "Liam why don't you come with us? We're driving to the same place anyway." I looked over at him and he agreed to come back with us. I hope it won't be awkward.

We were in the car, Dylan driving, me in the passenger seat, and Liam in the backseat of the Jeep. It was pretty quiet so I decided to start a conversation with Dylan since I hadn't spoken to him much today, or much in general lately to be honest.

"Callie is coming over to get ready with me tomorrow. I know she's really excited for Carters, but when isn't she excited over something?" I was having a laugh to myself and then Dylan responded. "Yeah that's cool. I'll pick you up at 6?"

"Thats not enough time! Can you come at least around 6:30? We need time to get ready after school."

"You heard Carter, he said be there by 6:30. Babe I'm not going to be late for his party." I could hear he was annoyed and I didn't want to irritate him any further so I let it go.

"Alright, I'll see you at 6 then. I'll just make sure to get ready quickly."

After another minute I decided to continue giving details about my day. "Oh, I heard a lot about Tyler and Zoe in maths today. I'm super excited to finally see them together when they come over. Apparently he is the perfect gentleman."

"Spencer, I don't really care what Tyler is, it's none of our business." His voice was sharp and I could tell he was in a bad mood. Usually he never speaks to me like this and when he does it's because something is wrong.

"Okay, sorry." I said in a quiet voice. I turned the music up and stayed quiet for the rest of the ride home.

What felt like 30 minutes was only 5, and I stepped out of the Jeep hanging back for Liam to go inside. He opened his door, and he appeared to be really awkward.

"Thanks for the lift man." He said as he continued to walk off into the house.

Dylan didn't move from the drivers seat and he had his head in his hands. I slowly approached him to see what was wrong. "Sweetie, whats wrong?" I asked.

He didn't look up, however he replied, "Nothing, just a stressful day at school. Let's go in before they come over."

I knew it was more than he let on, but I chose to wait until he was ready to talk to me about it.


The night was mostly heaps of fun. Zoe was cuddling up to Tyler while we watched paranormal activity. I laughed during most of it hearing Tyler scream "Ahh", "oh my god!", and "RUUUN!"

After the movie, we sat around just chatting in my room, and I got to find out more about the happy couple. Yes, Tyler asked Zoe out and now they're an item which I was thrilled to hear. Dylan on the other hand, didn't seem too interested in anything throughout the night. I tried to ask him what was going on but he just brushed me off.

"And when we got to the tree he carved our names in two months ago, he asked me out. It was so romantic. He knew exactly where and how to say it!"

"Well you make it just too easy hunny." Tyler said. It was pretty cute, and considering that the strong boy never showed a soft side, it made it interesting to see.

I really enjoyed spending the night with my best friend, it feels like forever since we've done this. Life has just been too difficult lately but I was happy to be back in this place, hanging out with three great friends.

I just wish I knew what was up with Dylan.... 


And thats chapter 15!! Thank you so much for the support everyone!

Don't forget to vote and comment! What do you think is wrong with Dylan?? 

Much love <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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