where has everything come to?

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"Ow! My head!!!!" I grumbled, why don't i remember much but that someone took bella and some guy with a rough voice told me....told me....ow!!!! It hurts to try and remember what he told me.....i need to try and get home, tell the boys what i remember happened, maybe if i get irish lucky, harry wont kill me.....

I got up slowly and headed home my head feeling like it would float away.....
( what happened the last time i wrote)

Harry's POV.
I was watching something stupid on the news, something about Justin Bieber and how he allegedly cheated again. I wasn't really paying attention, i was thinking about bella, how thing have come this far...why have thing come to this?
I was in my dream world when BANG!!!!! And in came a blonde hair blue eyed mess, Niall stood in front of me, crying blubbering something about bella i couldn't understand. "Niall calm down tell me whats wrong. Where is bella?....

Niall's POV
"Where is bella?" harry looked behind me as i sat there freaking out about who had taken bella and how harry would react. " harry, something happened to bella during our date" i said nervous' stammering over every word. Don't get me wrong harry is a good kid, but warning to anyone who angers him...
"What do you mean 'something happened to bella'? Whats going on? Seriously niall" he said waiting for me to spit out what i know, it wasn't much, but maybe he would be able to find her and beat the shit out of asshole who thought it would be a great idea to take her. So i got together the courage i had left in me "get the other boys together, we have an issue...."

Hey you beautiful people long time no write!!! Sorry... I have been so wrapped up in a lot of thing... Like how i am a senior in highschool and i graduate soon!!!!
I owe you guys a lot.... So for every other day for until I'm done with this book i will write if i don't...yell at me in the comments....i am back!!!!!! Love you and stay BEAUTIFUL!!!!~Diana

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