Chapter 2

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Hi guys! Thx for all your votes. I got more then I thought I would. I guess you guy really want chapter 2 :) .... So anyways This chapter I'm also asking for 5 votes... I don't think I'm asking for much... So... Uhm.. VOTEX! :D

In this chapter were going to have Peter's point of view... I think its more interesting to have more then one point of view in this story. One last thing... Do you guys think I should make a P.O.V. for the Kidnappers? (TBH.. I don't think its a good idea, It might ruin the story a little) But I will like to here what you guys think before I write chapter 3. :) Thx For all of your support. Enjoy!!!!!


Chapter 2

Alyssa and I were sitting on my bed waiting for Charlie to get up, but I couldn't wait anymore. This had to be done now.

I went up to Charlie's bed with Alyssa, looking down at him with his black curly hair lying on his pale white face. He looks really worried in his sleep right now; I bet he's having that dream about his mom again. I should really wake him up. I straightened out my hand, but hesitating. "Wake him up already." Alyssa said staring at him.

"Charlie, Wake up." I said shaking him.

"I'm up," He sat up on the bed staring at Alyssa and I. "Thanks for taking me out of my misery. I had that dream again."

Don't you always? I said to myself, smiling at him.

"Well Alyssa and I Just wanted to wish you luck on your---" I stared at him, not wanting to say the word.

"Kidnap?" He asked glancing at both of us. "Really guys?"

"Yes Charlie," said Alyssa, her eyes stinging with tears. "Really! We don't want to lose you like we lose the others."

Charlie glanced up at me with tears in his eyes. "Okay guys you don't have to worry, I'll do whatever they tell me to do," he said.

I found myself sigh in relief. To be honest I thought he was going to do something stupid that would cause him harm, but I didn't want that to happen. He's like my little brother and if I could switch places with him and do the kidnap, I would do it without hesitation. "Are you okay Peter?" Charlie asked, looking at me in concern.

"Yeah, why?"

"You look like your holding back something you want to say." He said with curiosity filling his eyes.

I couldn't help it anymore I had to tell him how I felt, we always tell each other everything. I glanced down at the floor, not daring to look into his eyes with all the guilt I had in me. "Yeah your right, it's just that I feel really sorry for you. I feel like this is all my fault, if I didn't open my big mouth I bet she would of picked me instead of you."

"If only you didn't open your big mouth." He said in a mad voice.

Yep, he differently hates me right now. I looked up at him and saw him smiling. "Oh... You were joking?"

"NO.... I'm just smiling because I'm really mad."

Did I mention that Charlie has a thing for sarcasm? It gets really annoying sometimes, but who's complaining.

After a minute or so it was becoming a little awkward, Charlie brought up the topic about Alyssa's doll but I wasn't really interested. I got up and walked to the bolted window beside his bed. I started peeking through the little hole we had made last year, in order to see what goes on in the neighborhood. Outside I could see Joe cutting the dark green lawn. I always wondered how Joe could be a kidnapper, he acts so normal. Well I guess acting normal is how they lead kids into their little traps.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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