Chapter 1

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Tiny, white snowflakes fell rhythmically from the gray sky above as Elsa sauntered through the snow. It was winter time in Arendelle, and she loved visiting her ice palace this time of year. Elsa hummed merrily to herself as she strode over the glistening snow, with delicate steps. She pushed past the the prickly leaves of tall spruce trees, making her way to the North Mountain. Elsa glanced up, to see the magnificent mountain, rising high above the clouds. She could see the glittering ice palace she had made about a year ago, nestled on top of it. As she made her way through the dense forest, she remembered that night she had created the grand palace. The amazing sense of freedom and clarity she had felt, as she had let her powers run wild. Elsa smiled and continued making her way to the mountain, completely unaware of who awaited her there...

Jack's POV

I soared through the sky, grinning as the frigid air whipped through my messy, white hair. I flew past mountains, not even sure of where I was. The enormous mountains stretched high above the clouds, with their snow capped peaks. Off in the distance, was a mountain much bigger than the rest. As I got closer and closer, I could see the silhouette of...a castle? My mouth dropped. It was a castle, except it was completely made of ice. It shimmered in the sun, and stood tall and proud upon the mountain. I landed in front of the castle's grand doors, and stood there, with my jaw still hanging down in disbelief.

"Who could have made this?" I asked myself quietly. Something this beautiful and precise couldn't have been made by just anyone... Nevertheless, I stepped inside and decided to have a look around. The inside was just as impressive as the outside. Tall columns supported the soaring ceiling above, and a delicate double staircase lead to another level. A fountain was placed between the double staircase.

"Wow..." I breathed. I felt as if I wasn't fancy enough to even be looking at it. I gently reached a hand out to touch the sparkling water-

"Who are you?" I spun around to see a girl. Her pale blonde hair was in a braid, and she was wearing an elegant, crystalline dress. She looked at me curiously, with icy blue eyes. I stood there, shocked.

"You can see me?" I asked, staggered. She gave me a puzzled look.

"Of course I can see you...Why wouldn't I?" She asked, confused. I scratched the back of my head, not sure of what to say.

"Well it's just that..." My voice trailed of. She tilted her head, slightly interested. Then, she cleared her throat and stood up taller.

"Ahem...It doesn't matter. Who are you, and why are you here?" She inquired. I grinned. "Well, I'm Jack Frost!" I declared, as I blew a gentle snowflake toward her, and leaned against my staff. Her eyes widened as the tiny snowflake fluttered her way.

"Jack Frost?" She said, raising an eyebrow. I smiled and gave her a quick nod.

"And if I may ask, what is your business here?" She asked. I grinned and shrugged.

"I saw this castle and wanted a look around." I replied nonchalantly. I walked over the the glittering fountain, and studied my reflection in the glossy water.

"This castle is pretty sweet. Who made it?" I asked, looking up at the lofty ceiling above.

"I did, actually." I whirled around to look at her.

"You made this castle?" I said, eyeing her skeptically. She nodded cordially. I chuckled and rolled my eyes a bit.

"C'mon, are you being serious?" I said, grinning. She crossed her arms.

"What, you think you're the only one with ice powers?" She challenged, raising her eyebrows.

"Wait, wha-" but I was cut off by a sudden flurry of snowflakes in my face. My eyes widened in astonishment. Did she just-?!

"How did you do that?!" I asked. She pressed a pale hand to her mouth and laughed softly.

"I was born with ice powers." She chuckled. I nodded slowly, still dumbfounded about this all. I couldn't believe there was someone else with powers like mine. Was this girl another guardian...? No, I thought. The Man in the Moon would have told us already if she was.

"Oh, and what's your name?" I asked. The girl smiled kindly.

"Queen Elsa of Arendelle." She declared, bowing politely. I grinned.

"Queen, huh? Sounds fancy." I replied. She smiled slightly.

"Well I really should be going. It was good meeting Frost." Elsa said, strolling across the icy floor toward the grand doors.

"W-wait! Where do you have to go?" I asked, not wanting her to leave. She turned to look at me.

"I have a kingdom to look after." She said. She smiled at me one last time, before I watched her walk out the door.

Yay, new fanfic!! :D Hope you guys enjoyed! I might be a little slow to update, but I have a few ideas, so another chapter should be out fairly soon. Thanks again for reading! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2014 ⏰

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