Zombie Nation

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Please vote and comment some feedback for this story because it would be a lot of help! Anyway, thanks for reading! Also this is a collaboration with Lol5679! Her chapters will be every other one so the next one is hers! 


Chapter One- Zombies Should Not Have Guns 


    For a spy a normal night consists of taking down a few bad guys with your bare hands - carefully of course so as not to mess up your manicure - and getting take-out chinese food. Somewhere in between you have to fit in a bit of time at the gym as well as having the ill fated conversation about your mission with The Boss. It wasn't that I hated my boss or anything, I was just dreading her telling me that I'd done my job wrong. 

    What I'd failed to mention was that my mission was to spy on a few bad guys. I mean spying would be in the job description as well as the name. Too bad for me and everyone else I have what can only be described as anger management problems. I was supposed to gather information, but when I saw that they had a fourteen year old girl hostage to do whatever horrid things they were going to do with her...I lost it. I stormed the place and killed them all without breaking a sweat. Of course in the haste of the moment I'd managed to freak the girl out so much that she went to call the police. 

    Needless to say I wasn't going to be in the best of graces with my boss. I could already picture her staring at me with those cold calculating eyes, telling me that she was very dissapointed in me. It was a wonder that the government hadn't already thrown me out of the system, leaving me to fend for myself. I mean I had specifically been told not to kill the men and what do I do? Kill them! Not to mention I also managed to get the police involved which was a huge no-no. 

    I sighed, walking down the isolated street with a slump to my step. Sometimes I wondered if I just needed to put myself in a class to help hold back my violent tendencies. Seriously, this meeting with my boss could be my last with the way I was acting. 

    A movement down one of the alleys caught my eyes, making me wonder who would be out at this time of night and in this area. It was well known throughout town that the Zombie Nation as they called it was the most dangerous place to be, especially at night. Venturing closer to the alley, I scoped the area to make sure I wasn't just imagining the figure. Sadly I seemed to be which was a side effect of being super tired. You'd think that being a spy and all I would be able to hold back some of my fatigue but that turns out to be quite the contrary. 

    I continued walking down the street, deciding that it was nothing down the alley and no one from the Zombies would be out yet. 

    I guess it may be benificial to know who the Zombies are first. Well, the Zombies act almost like their own government. They run underground drugs and weapon dealerships, work in prostitution, and have a mass of gang members that specialize in the art of stealing. For awhile now they've been the cause of a lot of the cities crime, but we are literally unable to do anything. They're so powerful that bringing our forces in may turn into a blood bath. Citizens are already growing anxious with the growing crime rate and it takes everything in me not to panic that I can't help. 

    So as a precaution and a safety rule, the city announced that no one is allowed to walk Zombie Nation past eleven which was when most of the crime takes place. Honestly the place turns alive at night time. If you walked through you wouldn't even be able to tell that its all actually abandoned buildings. 

    I stepped up my walking speed when I looked down at my watch, seeing that it was now officially ten forty-five. At the rate I was going I wouldn't make it to my boss's house in less than twenty minutes and I was practically running. With my record for the day, however, I needed to get out of Zombie Nation as soon as possible. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2012 ⏰

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