Case #1 austin

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It started out a weak after I turned 13 I was having problems at school and with girls but that didn't keep me from doing what I loved to do witch was shooting guns with my friend rodge but I started to notice more stuff like I had a six since .I could hear things before they happened and notice really fine details not only that I notice my body changing but it wasn't like pubirty. I knew what that was like from the talk I had with my dad I didn't know what was going on it kind of scared me. but I didn't tell any one I just went on with life till one day I heard someone being shot I knew I didn't happen yet by the way it sounded and something inside like a animal just kicked in and I ran faster than I have ever ran.when I got there a guy had a gun up to a girls head I kept my distance I could hear the guy talking he sed something about money .when I heard him cock the gun the animal just came out the next thing I know is I'm leaning over the guy with his heart in my hand as soon as I realize what I did I ran an ran till I couldn't run any more. so I found a phone and called my dad as soon as I saw him I hoped in his truck and told him every thing i could tell he was sacred and I saw him grab his colt 45 I asked him what he was doing he told me he was sorry if he had to shoot me but if he had to he would i sed that was fair and went on after that talk. we drove home my parents were split so I lived with my dad every weekend witch it just so happened to be a Sunday. when we got home we got online and tried to find what was happening to me there were some cases like mine but nun of them wear the same. but at the end of the day he had to take me to my moms house and the next day I would have to go to school so he told me to try to control it if it happened agin .but it didn't for a couple of weeks over those weeks we tried to find out what was happening to me still we didn't find any thing like what was happening . I didn't tell any one other than him but like I sed it didn't happen for a couple of weeks but when it did it was worse than last time. this time it was a dad beating his son after the second slap the beast just came out I tried to control it but the beast was just to strong. this time I ripped his head off and started dranking his blood . By the time I came to I was at the police office they sed they found me at the scene and wanted to know every thing I did. so I told them I heard some one scream so I ran in to help and I saw the dad beating the son. when a beast came in and just ripped his head off and I fainted then . They sed to call if I remembered anything els . After I got out of there I went to my dads and told him what happened .he sed get your clothes and tell your mom we are going camping then meat me here .so I did when I got the he was loading his guns and puting them in the truck asked him what we were doing he sed that we needed to get away so I didn't hurt any one else . We get to my dads cabin we unload then go to bed . The next day he wakes me up early he sed to get read we were going to learn to control the beast when I got out side sed to turn into the beast so I tried but nuthing happened he sed to dig deep down and think of some think that i have lot I feelings about so I did I thought about when my parents split as soon as I did I turned into the beast but I couldn't control it. I wake up on the ground I see my dad I asked what happened he sed I went nuts and he shot me with a stun gun. He told me to do it agin and agin and every time the same thing . Till the last time when all the sudden something happened I could feel the beast I could think like it I started to do different stuff that I hadn't before I could control it it was like I had just a hundred energy dranks

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2014 ⏰

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