Chapter 1.

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 2:30pm. Jesus how was I going to last another half an hour of this I thought myself. Today had been my usual unbearable day. As soon as I get through the doors teacher complaining that my skirt was too short, or that I have to dye my hair back as soon as possible, or that I needed to take my lip piercing out. They basically hated that I wasn't there picture perfect student, I may not look the part with my light purple hair and my lip ring but at least I tried 'realtively' hard in class. Mrs Whiteside was standing at the front of my Maths class rambling on about some triangle formula that I had no idea about. I suddenly felt someone nudge my knee, Tom looked down to the side of my desk. I picked up the piece of paper.

    How long before Whiteside notices?

I looked at him confused and he raised his eyebrows at me, looking down to his side. I smiled quietly laughing to myself. He'd made a massive stack of cups around 12 rows high next to his desk. Of course Mrs Whiteside hadn't noticed. She may hear everything so we can never talk but she never fails to miss anything we do. I leaned back slightly on my chair to reach into the recycling bin where there was a few other cups. I passed them to Tom and he stacked them on top. Just as he was placing the last cup on top Mrs Whiteside shouted 'Tom Evergreen what makes you think you can sit in the back of my class being a delinquent.' He jumped at the sound of her voice knocking all the cups over. 'You can stay after class and clean that up and then you can serve your detention on Friday lunch.' 

   He sighed and slouched into his chair. 'Miss, I helped him, it wasn't all his fault.' I added before she turned around.

   'Luna, don't try and stick up for your friend, I'm sure he can handle the consequences.' She turned arounnd and carried on with the class. I mouthed and sorry to Tom and he just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. The last 20 minutes went as slow as the rest of it had done.

   When the bell went I got up in what seemed like record time packing my bag and heading for the door. Tom grabbed my arm pulling me back. 'Hey Luna, mind if I come round tonight?'

   'Yeah sure, come round when you've finished band practice yeah?'

   'Sure, see you around six.'

   'Okay, see you later.' I carried on out the door. Tom had been one of my best friends for as long as I could remember. Our parents had grown up together and as they stayed friends it meant that we had also grown up together. I was really close with him and I confided everything with him and he knew things than no-one else did. He was my age and we liked similar things so that's probably why we clicked straight away. 

   I went to my locker and go out my skateboard. Yes my skateboard, it my sound odd but when you've grown up with boys your whole life you learn to do certain things, like skateboarding, which are useful and become a habbit. It took me about 10 minutes to skate home so I did so, my headphones in. Once I got home I headed to the kitchen and looked at the note on the fridge. 

   I'll be home around 4:00 , Mum x

Nothing unusual there, I chucked my bag on the kitchen bench, grabbed a bottle of water and ran up to my room. I got changed out of my uniform into some leggings and a Mayday Parade t-shirt and set up my camera. I checked my hair and make-up in the mirror before sitting down on my chair and started recording.

'Hey guys it's Luna. Today I'm going to be doing my birthday haul. As a few of you may know it was my birthday last week so I thought I'd show you what I got and then a few things I bought for myself.' 

   An hour later and my new video was filmed and ready for editing. I settled down on my bed, laptop infront of me and camera know plugged in. I put all the footage onto my laptop and sat editting. My mum came in about half an hour through. 'Hey Luna, I guessed you'd finished filming. How was your day? Get told off for your uniform again?'

'As usual. I've given up with trying to please them mum, they are never going to accept me for who I am. How was yours?'

'I know Luna, We'll have to do something eventually though. Well my day was same old same old. Who likes work hey? Anyway before you do all that editing, have you got any homework?'

'No, I finished most of in my free period earlier. Oh and Tom is coming round at six.'

'Of course, wouldn't expect to not see him at least twice a week.' She smirked at me. 

'Ha ha mum, you love him really.'

'I know, you know he's like a son to me. Right I'll go and get dinner ready, any requests?'

'Not fussed, whatever you have, thanks mum.'

'No problem love.'

She went downstairs and I spent another hour and a half editing.I was nearly done and I had my headphones in watching the final cuts. I didn't notice Tom had arrived until I felt someone land straight on top of me. 'Editting again are we?' He laughed into my ear as i struggled to push him off.

'I have to keep my viewers happy. They're the only people who accept me so I've got to make sure they still like me.'

'Hey I accept you and like you!' Tom said shoving my arm and pretending to be offended. 

'I'm pretty sure you were just made to like me at birth!' I said smirking at him, putting my laptop to the side whilst my video uploaded.

'You know that's not true. So how many subscribers are you at now?'

'785,000. It's pretty scary actually.'

'Jesus, I feels like only yesterday you had 100. Hey how come I've never been in a video with you?'

'Do you want to be? You've always been pretty distant from my youtube things?'

'Yeah of course, come on let me! I think your viewers would enjoy my handsome face.'

'hmmm I'm sure they would. Right come on, let's film one then. We can do the best friend tag.' I put my camera back on the stand and pulled Tom up off the bed and sat him down on one of the two chairs now infront of my camera. 



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2014 ⏰

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