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  Here are a LOT of questions I receive and some questions that I know you might have

Why did you name the characters the way you named them?

Well, Maggie is named after me and my 2 other friends called Maggie (Don't ask)

Mia is named after my friend Mia from school

Jordan and Alex are names of my friends and names that I wanted one time.

Why is it ROMANCE, of all things?

Why can't it be??

Are the characters SHIPPING?

You haven't noticed?????

What happens next?

That information is classified.

Do you have any other books?


Do you have a boyfriend???

Uh...erm...(blushes) Kinda...Why?

Dear reader,

Please continue what the wonderful things you have done. Ask me questions in the comments if you have any and I'll be sure to get back to you. Enjoy, comment, and vote!


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