A Very Potter Musical meets The New Directions

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Ron, Ginny, Draco, and Hermoine were walking down the streets of Indina. "Why are we even spending our spring break in the middle of nowhere?" Ron complained.

"Where in Indiana!" Ginny corrected.

"Whatever, Stupid sister!"

"We are looking for a rocket ship so I can go to pigfarts!" Draco explained. They continued to walk down the streets of Indina until they heard a voice that sounded a little like there friend Harry who had mysteriously disappered in 2009, courious they walked into the theater. They see on stage a bunch of teens dancing and singing to some song called Paradice by the Dashboard Light. "This is not by the weird sisters!"

"There he is!" Ron said pointing to a singing Blaine. "What happened to his hair he looks like Draco now!"

"That was the New Directions from Lima, Ohio!"

"Lets follow him!" Ginny said. The four followed the New Directions into their dressing room where they see a kissing Finchel.

"Ugh PDA ewww!" Ron said. Ginny then rushes up to Harry and kisses him catching him off gaurd.

"What the hell did you do to my boyfriend!" Kurt yells turning everyones heads, even Finn's and Rachel's.

"Boyfriend? He's mine!" Ginny claimed.

"Hold up! I can explain" Blain defended. "After the whole Voldemort thing was over I fleed to Ohio to start a new life, I didn't want to be defined as 'The Chosen One' or 'The Boy Who Lived'. I mean I know I'm epic and all, but I wanted to work on my music more, so I transfered to Dalton Academy, where I meet the love of my life Kurt Hummle" There was a bunch of Aww's from the New Directions and dropped mouths from the Hogwarts gang. "Ginny, I never loved you you were just my beard #sorrynotsorry, Dumbledoor and I were actually hooking up, and then there was a Snape thing to, but thats not important, anyway I'm gay! So after meeting Kurt I transfered to William Mickenly High and joined there glee club. We're at nationals now.

"I'm confussed, Pretty Pony (Blaine). How do you know desperate number one (Ginny), Nerd (Hermoine), Red Head (Ron) and Man Lady (Draco)? Santana said

"Well, before I moved to Dalton, I was a wizard from England, who was toatly awesome."

"A wizard?" The New Directions questioned.

"Yeah, well I am the Harry Potter, from the books and movies, that were actually written by Hermoine who gave them to Lockhart, that lying d**k, who then published them."

"I knew you were a wizard, Blaine Warbler!" Brittney said.

"Well it's time for awards but maybe we can get this all cleared up later at dinner?" Shuester asked.

"Yah sure." Blaine answered.

" Britt and I need to get our sweet lady kisses on, but maybe we can go." Santana complained.

"Yay, I get to meet fairys!"

A/N so sorry this is so bad this is my first attempt ant writing so its horrible, anyway this takes place after season 3 nationals in glee and please comment below

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