Chapter 35 - Austin

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Chapter 35 - Austin


~2 weeks later~

i finally got the energy to go downstairs and do something,for the past 2 weeks i've been lying in bed,crying,eating junk food (think god for my mini fridge in my room) and doing nothing but looking at pictures of me and Harry.

i think i'm starting to get over him cause i see everything now,he didn't even love me so i won't let that ruin me and my life,i called my dad a couple days ago and told him everything,he said he met a guy named Noah and his son is the same age as me his name is Austin,he wanted us to meet so he gave me his number and all that,i've been texting him for about 4 or 5 days now and he asked me to meet him at the movies tomorrow,he has been helping me throught my hard time,he's really nice.

i walked downstairs and saw Emily on the phone "never mind she's downstairs,i'll talk to you later"she whisperd hanging up

"Who was that?"i ask grabbing a banana

"Niall"she says with a worried look on her face "well,i just wanted to let you know that,i won't be here tomorrow night,i'm going to the movies with Austin"

"Who's Austin?"She asks confused "a boy i know,my dad interdused us"i smile

"what does he look like?"she asks "i don't know,i haven't seen him i just started talking to him a few days ago"i say

"What about Harry?"she says looking at her phone
"I think i'm over him,i meen he was just using me,he never meant anything he did or said and Austin seems like a nice guy"i grab a water bottle from the fridge

"You know Harry loves you"she says looking at her phone ones again,i ignore what she said "why do you keep looking at your phone?"i ask

"Oh nothing,just texting Niall"


The past 2 weeks have been HELL for me,i can't sleep,can't consentrate,i can't do anything without her,i miss her so much

My phone rings in my pocket 'Emily' it said
I've been talking to her for the past 2 weeks to see how Kat is holding up and from what i hear she's taking it really bad




"I think they are going to the movies"she says worried
"Do you know this guy?"i ask

"No she just came downstairs like really happy and told me she wouldn't be here tomorrow night because she was going to the movies with some guy named Austin,she didn't really say it was a date but i meen she is going to the movies with a guy she met online,well her dad interdused them but-" she tried to finish but i interuppted her

"i knew it was her dad,i'm coming to New York and stopping anything from happening and i'm going to get her back,i have a plan that i hope will work,i need you and the boys to be with me in this"



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