5 Years Later

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"Hahahahahaha! Do it again, do it again!" Natalie said laughing at Jack beheading someone.
"What did I tell you last time. We need to have a little fun with them first!" Jack said laughing.
"Can we watch them fly off the building! Oh, it's like watching giant snowflakes falling. It's even better when they land on someone!"
As Jack threw someone over the edge they heard a helicopter in the background.
"Shit, not them again."
"They always have to ruin the fun." Natalie said pouting.
They both quickly jumped to another roof and went inside. Jack went to his room while Natalie went to go change. When she came back Jack was standing switching the TV station.
"Your not him arnt you?"
"Natalie are you there?" Jack asked.
"Don't call me HER name. I'm your little Beetle remember!"
"Bring Natalie back."
"And if I don't," she said with a big smile on her face.
"Then he doesn't come back."
"Noooooooooooooo, not my baby! You can't do that to him," she said getting angry.
"I guess you better give me Nat then."
"Fine, but she won't be here for long."
After saying that Natalie fell backwards and the light she saw slowly faded.

Natalie woke up with covers over her. She got up to see Jack laying on the floor. They've shared a room since he took her and he still refuses to sleep in the same bed as her unless she's aware. She got up and laid on the floor next to him. He immediately turned and wrapped an arm around her as she smiled.
"You know you could have slept on the bed," Natalie said.
"I wish I had I've missed you so much," Jack said.
When Jack first started to work for Ashlee he was the sweetest guy you could meet. After awhile though he started to change and he had powers too. He developed multiple personality disorder and could block any powers that were being or tried to be used. Later when he took her he broke her and made her like him. She developed the same disorder as him but still could use her old power. They each had two personalities. One was the original them and the other was the complete opposite. Their other personalities were basically insane. They moved to every city killing people and used them for their own little games.
"We better in joy our time together before they come back," Jack said. He leaned over and kissed her which he hadn't done in so long.
"Let's just stay in today. Before they come back and put more blood on our hands."
They had both gotten closer then they expected from when they first met. Natalie and Jack had fallen in love while the other them went wherever and killed whoever. She missed her friends and after all these years she started forgetting about them because she knew if she tried the crazy Jack would kill her.
"So what ya want to watch," Natalie asked
"Nothing," Jack said with a Smile.
"Hm there's-"
"Maybe we can just leave," Jack said interrupting.
"What are you talking about?"
"Us, me and you we can go find your friends and have a life together."
"Have you forgotten about the two phyco paths that live inside us. Not to mention they think I'm dead. They've probably all moved on by now."
"They could never forget you."
"Well we'll see. Let's just hope that maybe the other us can do something useful and find where they are." Jack leaned closer to Natalie and put his arms around her.
"I love you, don't ever forget that," Jack said leaning in to kiss her.
"I love you too."
They kissed and cuddled together for the rest of the night until they both fell asleep.
"Shut up! Your making my hears bleed!"
"Ugh but you promised!" Natalie said pouting.
"Beetle why don't you go get food and I'll stay here." After what he said she pushed him off the bed and started laughing.
"Well your up now," She said laughing.
"What have I told you! Don't you dare ever do that again other wise I'll be playing tic tac toe with your blood!" Jack yelled as he slapped her. She stopped laughing and just walked out of the room.

"Hurry up Beetle it's your turn."
"Wait, I need the right person I can't just pick at random!"
"You can kill whoever you want!" Jack said laughing.
"Okay, okay, OOOO I PICK HIM!" She yelled.
Natalie walked down the stairs and went up to the man.
"Hi, I'm Natalie I was wondering if you could maybe show me around?" She talked and dressed like the real Natalie and held a map in her hand.
"I'm sorry I'm new here and-" before he could finish his sentence her knee came up and hit him in the crotch. She brought his head down and then hit it on her knee. The man was knocked out as she brought him up to where her and Jack originally where.
"He's an elephant I should have picked a deer," after she said that she grabbed the mans head and snapped his neck.
"Hahahaha, I love that sound!"
"Okay, he'll be the second part of the x!"
She dragged the man to a spot on the floor where he overlapped a women lying dead that she had killed before.
"I win!" She said jumping up and down. As soon as she landed from her jump she fell back and the light she saw darkened.
"Not this bitch again. Jack its your turn," Jack said talking to himself before he did the same thing.
"Holy shit!" Natalie had screamed looking around after she woke up.
"W-what's wrong?" Jack said waking up.
"L-look what they did."
"We need to go. Now."
They both got up and ran down the stairs.
"Shhh it's okay, it's okay," Jack tried calming Natalie.
"After all these years this is the first time I've actually seen what we've done."
"Everything's gonna be okay. C'mon I know where they put our stuff let's go back and get some sleep." He walked with his arm around her and she just leaned into him and walked emotionless back to wherever the hell the other half of them put their stuff.
~ Written by Natalie ~
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the second book! We love seeing comments and what you all think of it so please give us your feedback!

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