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"You know them baby, this must be one hell of a reunion," the man laughed.
The girls were backed into a wall, maybe a few inches away from Natalie.
"Look Nat, I don't know what the hell happened to you, but it would be a really shitty move if you just killed us, so I suggest you put the gun down and we can talk it out," Bella spoke softly.
Natalie began to laugh maniacally causing the man to laugh too.
"Wow Bell, changed a lot, Emily cat bite your toungue? And you.... I don't know who you are but seems like your my replacement," natalie mocked.
Bella was about to snap back but Natalie shushed her.
"As I was saying, this is Jack, I'm not natalie, she's gone, and since I'm not Natalie, I have no problem with decorating this hallway with your brains," she threatened gripping her gun.
Emily and Viara tried backing up even farther while  Bella got closer.
Jack chuckled and Natalie held her gun even firmer.
"I changed a lot? Dude you're more pale than emma was, I know you remember her. You wear weird ass makeup, what's up with that like seriously check the damn mirror. You went from all pussy pussy to I'll kill your babies, not to mention your boyfriend is scary as hell. Oh and yes this is Viara, your so called replacement."
Natalie's face turned dark and jack was slowly getting bored.
"What Bella meant to say was, we miss you and we don't mean to upset you, right bella?" Emily interrupted  trying to not get them killed.
"Nah, I meant it," she shrugged looking Natalie in the eye.
Emily glanced at Bella and shot her a look, she just smiled at her.
"Sweetheart im on a schedule, so either kill them and do whatever you have to do," Jack said sternly tapping his wrist.
"I can handle them, be down in 5 is that ok?" Natalie turned around and smiled at him. They whispered a few words to eachother and Jack began to walk towards the staircase. The girls didn't dare to move because they would either run into Jack or Natalie would shoot them.
Once jack was down the stairs Natalie looked at them grinning.
"SO who dies first? You can choose or I can close my eyes and pick."
"I'll take the third option please? What is it," bella challenged.
Natalie growled and pulled her gun up and aligned it with her skull.
While she  was distracted with bella Emily had a plan.
"Viara it would be a good time you do something crazy," Emily whispered to her.
"Alright, AHHH THE ALIGATOR HES ON YOU!!" Viara smacked the gun out of Natalie's hand and kicked her in the knees. Oddly enough, she didn't get up.
"That was easy," Emily said shocked.
Emily and viara started to run down the stairs but Bella didn't follow.
She grabbed Natalie's gun, and pointed it at her forehead.
"Come on Nat, not so tough anymore?"
She slowly looked up and her entire expression changed.
"Huh," Bella lowered the gun in confusion. Viara and Emily ran back upstairs and stood next to Bella.
"Oh my god," tears sprung to her eyes, but she didn't move.
"What the hell is hapoening," Emily asked in shock.
"What did I do now," Natalie asked quietly.
"She's like a little puppy, NALIE PUPPY," Viara yelled. She sat on her knees and patted Natalie's head.
"I need a drink," Bella sighed falling against the wall.
"She's extra confused," Emily whispered joining  bella.
"You need to get out of here, before I turn into her again," Natalie pleaded breaking the silence. She put her head on her knees and didn't change position.
"You're a good puppy," Viara yelled.
"You handle her, I had to all last night," Bella said to Emily motioning to viara.
"You lie, I don't trust you."
"Yes but you realize we are in front of a serial killer, also former best friend," bella hit her shoulder.
She sighed and grabbed viara by the arm pulling her up.
"Puppy, attack," she pointed at Emily.
"Go, please."
"Nat we aren't just going to leave you," Bella urged crossing her arms.
"Yes you are go," she replied standing up.
Emily shook her head and whispered something to Viara.
"YOU HURT SARAH!!!" Viara took a running leap and tackled Natalie into a wall. She hit her head hard enough to the point she became unconscious.
"What the he-, actually I'm glad you did that, let's exit out the back. If jack sees us we are actually dead," Emily suggested.
"That's all we had to do, we wasted that much time, good job by the way Viara," Bella patted Viara on the shoulder and she started to cry.

They ignored viaras cries and looked down at Natalie.
"So, I'll take arms you take legs," Bella asked looking at Emily.
"Or we could just call one of the guys and they can carry her, I have a feeling viara might hop on top of her. Causing us to drop her," she responded.
"Yea... good idea."
Emily grabbed her phone and realized she had missed text messages.


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