5. You are going to respect me and behave!!

22 1 1

(I nodded and sat down. Suddenly I heard a small gasp and I automatically turned around. And as I did my eyes widened and we said the same time)

Zoe : ZAYN!!

Zayn : ZOE!!

(Well fuck!! That is going to be interesting...now only time can tell what will happen...)

Zayns Pov

Oh my God!!! First of all she looks hot as fuck!!! Secondly I'm fuckin shocked!!! The mysterious girl is Zoe....Ok Zayn...calm down...Let's get everything straight....I love her but bully her, pretend I hate her so she doesn't suspect anything, she hates me and that fact hurts me...and we are going to get married....Lord help me!!!

Patricia : So you know each other!!

(My mum said smiling like crazy...)

Afroditi: That's a good thing !!!! Now we won't need to wait to get to know each other before you get married and move in together!!!

Zoe : WHAT?!?!?! (Zoe screamed and believe me... that hurt a lot....)

Zoe's Pov

Zoe : WHAT?!?!?! (I screamed.  And was the only one...why?? there should be two WHAT?!?!?! 's....Zayn should have been against it too!!! WHY DOESN'T HE SAY SOMETHING!!!!

I looked over to him only to see him looking at me with hurtful eyes...WTF?!?!?)

Sajid: Zoe!!! (my father hissed and looked at me with a stern look) What did I tell you?? (he asked and I looked down....)

Zoe : Sorry for my outburst erm...Zayn...and...Mr. and Mrs....(I trailed off...because it felt so....weird to apologise to Zayn...) Malik....  ( It was weird for two reasons.  One: Because I didn't need to apologise in the first place...I didn't do anything wrong and Two: Zayn and I are in a....complicated let's say..." relationship" . One moment we are on each others throats, then we go" ignore basis" , then he goes all jealous when I speak of a boy and the next moment we are all over each other....it's really complicated now that I think about it... I had a huge crush on Zayn in the very past and today I still admit he's smoking hot!!!)

Yaser : Let's eat now!! (Zayn's father said cheerfully and we all sat down and started eating. Half way through dinner I felt Zayn's hand dangerously close to my lady part. I pulled his hand away but he placed it there again. I tried to ignore him but it was fuckin difficult!! That bastard!!! )

Zoe : YOU FUCKIN CUNT CAN YOU FUCKIN  TAKE YOUR HAND AWAY FROM MY VERY PRIVATE PART??? (I screamed suddenly at him taking everyone by surprise.  My father glared at me and yelled. )

Sajid : He fuckin will do anything he likes!! He's going to be your husband and you'll have to respect him and behave!!! Understood???( I slowly nodded when I felt Zayn taking my hand and leading me to the bathroom. I looked at him confused before  I said)

Zoe : Don't think now just because my dad said I should do whatever you like that I'll do so!!! I fuckin hate you you cunt and th- *slap* (I can't believe it!! He just slapped me!! I now it happens every day now but still...)

Zayn : Im going to be your husband and you'll do what I say!!! Understood?? (he asked but I didn't move. He slapped me again and repeated his question but this time I nodded. He smirked and ran his hands up and down my body making me squirm.)

Zayn : Stay still!! ( He hissed and before I could reply he kissed me roughly. I didn't kiss back only tried to push him away. I felt his one hand squeezing my bum and his other hand squeezing my thigh.His lips moved to my neck and he started suckin and nibbling on my skin leaving a big nice blue mark.)

Zayn : Now everyone will know you're mine!!!

Zoe : I'm nobody's!!! (I growled at him and he smirked.)

Zayn : Not for long ,babe. (He said smirking and I slapped him right there and then. He grabbed my hand and before we went back to tha table he whispered in my ear.)

Zayn : I'm going to propose now and you will say yes. Whether you like it or not!! And at school you'll be wearing this fuckin ring so no fuckin boy will dare to make a move on you!! Am I clear?? (He asked but I replied confidently. )

Zoe : I'll go and flirt with every fuckin boy that comes to my sight and maybe some one night stand's wouldn't hurt now, hm??( I said smirking. He didn't reply as we were back at our parents. )

Patricia : Zayn?? Didn't you want to do something....?? (His mother said smiling excitedly. Oh god!!)

Zayn's Pov

Zoe : I'll go and flirt with every fuckin boy that comes to my sight and maybe some one night stand's wouldn't hurt now, hm??( she said smirking. I didn't reply as we were back at our parents. )

Patricia : Zayn?? Didn't you want to do something....?? ( my mother said smiling excitedly. It's time!! I turned to Zoe and saw that she was glaring at me. I love her with all my heart but she doesn't.  So I'll teach her a lesson till she accepts this situation and loves me back from whole her heart. I smirked at her and went down to one knee.)

Zayn : I know you hate me babe but it's ok ya know?? You learn to love me soon I promise that!!! We will be a happy married couple and I want to have 4 kids wich you'll give me whether you like it or not!!-

Zoe :  won't open my legs for you so don't expect to have kids!! I .hate .you.can-

Sajid : ZOE!! (Her father hissed and I smirked while she just rolled her eyes. ) If Zayn wants 4 kids you will give it him!! End of discussion!!

Zayn: So...as I was saying before I was interrupted by my sexy soon to be wife (I said and she rolled her eyes) I want 4 kids and I want to spend the rest of my life with you...so...Will you marry me?? (I asked and for a minute I  imagined how it would be if I and her were really together and I really proposed to her... But my thoughts were cut off by her saying. )

Zoe : Why are you even asking?? It's not that I have a choice... (I grinned and put the ring on her finger. Finally!!! I pulled her in for a kiss and the unbelievable happened!!! She kissed me back!!! But soon pulled away probably shocked with herself...I pulled her close to my body and whispered in her ear.)

Zayn : Now you'll be forever mine!!!

(And kissed her cheek. This is my chance to fulfill my dreams. To live the life with her like I always wanted. Me and her getting married,  going for our Honeymoon to our private island I would have bought her.There every night I'd make love to her, a couple of months later she would  get pregnant and nine months later would give birth to our beautiful baby and we would be a little family. A couple of years later we would have two more kids. I would put them in bed and kiss 'em goodnight. Then I would go to mine and Zoe's shared bedroom where she would wait for me. I would go under the covers with her and pull her close to me. I'd kiss her passionately. Some nights if we were gonna have privacy I'd even show her how much I love her...This situation now is my big and probably only chance and I won't screw it up....

I'll show her that I love her....

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