Chapter 11 - Just A Little Bit

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I was back in school. Monday morning. Rain is falling. For some odd reason, I felt content here, like it didn't matter that it was Monday, or that it was raining. This weekend had been the best weekend I've ever had. The legitimate truth.

"How've you been, man?" Robbie asked.

"Oh, I'm doing better. Thanks." Robbie had still been taking some beatings from Phil and his goons. "And, uh, how have you been doing?" I examined the bruise on his cheekbone.

My friend just nodded. I couldn't bear seeing him like this. But the last time I tried to do something about it I was given a weeks worth of detention, hospitalized, and I just didn't want to go through that again.

"There has got to be another way."

"Another way for what?" Robbie looked at me weird.

"Another way to get Phil to stop. Clearly what I tried before did not work. Got any bright ideas, Rob?" I explained.

We pondered the subject for as long as we could but I could not think of a single damn way that wouldn't end up with us in pieces, dead, or paralyzed.

"Um, Troye, can we just get lunch? I'm starving, dude." Robbie gave up.

I shrugged. Maybe some brain food would help. We sat down with our chicken nuggets and just started predicting what the weather would be like the rest of the week. Just when it all happened.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" Someone shouted. "If you could all advert your eyes to me!" Only one person with that booming voice. Only one person who would dare do something like this.


"You've got to be shitting me." I'd get up and go but that would be a daring move and I don't have enough lives left to do that. He would see. Phil would definitely see. So I stayed. Only a tiny bit curious about what would happen.

"24 hours ago a young man by the name of Troye Sivan uploaded a photo on Instagram of himself and a friend. That friend's name is Tyler Oakley. Now, as I'm sure you may have heard," Phil spoke. "Troye is, how can I put this? He's a fag. So is Tyler. To get straight to the point,

"To get straight to the point." He murmured. "Do we want two gay faggots in our town? Isn't that just wrong?" Everyone cheered him on. But if I had learned one thing since living in this shitty town, it's that I need to stand up for myself.

But there is one problem that is recurring. Life and happiness.

Life is always putting me down.

Oh, look, Troye's spirits sure are high today! Ler's make sure his life is a living hell. He's not allowed to be happy.

Life was making a joke out of me. So was Phil. Everyone around me cheering him on and laughing at me. When was the last time someone laughed with me? The weight of the world was on my shoulders. I've had enough of them throwing food at me, laughing at me, making me look stupid.

"SHUT UP! EVERYONE! SHUT THE HELL UP!" I shouted as I stood and flipped me bench backwards.

With adrenaline coursing through my veins I forced myself to hold my ground. If I ran I was a coward. If I ran Robbie was dead. If I ran.. it would never end.

Instead, I walked over to Phil. It was a choice that could possibly end in my death, but if I died, it wouldn't be in vain, hopefully. It would be for Tyler and Robbie's and my families safety.

I took a deep breath. This was for them.

"Would you mind telling me what the fuck your problem is? Why do you hate me so much? Am I any different from anyone in this room? If so, I'd like to know how."

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