Nightfall calls for Badass

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( Sorry f the last chap was short. Its kinda hard to write when you have so many ideas! Here the chap babes! Vote, Comment, Enjoy!)

"I hope this party's good." Kasey asks, putting on silver hoops to finish her outfit. A back crop top and high wasted denim shorts. Not bad. She head toward the bathroom to put her make up on.

I'm out of my 'costume' and in something more me. Black denim short, shorts with a white bandoo bra and a grey ripped crop top with black with converse.

I decided to put in my spider bites in and put my contacts on. My outfit makes the tattoo on my body bolder and edgy.

This is the real me. Not some fragile  shy girl. That ended along time ago. I was tired of being walked all over on. I wants adventures, rushes, freedom, everything.

So I ditched the the nerd and kept the clothes. I knew that if I changed everyone, even the people who insulted me, would want to be my best friend because of that. So I kept the facade, and the people who insulted me, well let's say I got even. Boxing is only for releasing my anger.

"You ready?" Kasey asks, putting on her black pumps. I prefer converse.

"Yeah." I sigh and get up from the bed. I look once more in the full length mirror.

My dark curly hair is now straight, which makes it longer almost to my back. My bangs parted to the sides. The shorts compliment my long legs. My bandoo bra underneath the see through top shows off my stomach. My crystal blue belly ring in view My dark brown eyes make my spider bites stand out. I don't look innocent at all.

My eyes trail over the sapphire ring hanging on my chain. I gotten it on my tenth birthday, still have it after eight years. Even after I left.I shake my thoughts away and look towards Kasey.

"Let's go."  I grab  phone and head out with Kasey. I'm going to need that fucking drink.


We walk down the street as the sun sets fully, revealing the moon.

"So, who's party is it?" Kasey asks

"A couple streets down at one of the Barbie's" I say. She nods understandingly until her brows knit together.

"Why are we going the plastics party? I thought you hated them." I sigh.

" I don't know really. its probably because of what happen today with Vargas." I shrug.

She gives me a questioning glance. She knows I hate him. She's only a grade older than me. I'm a senior.

"Luis, Vargas?" She asks. I nod and play with my hands. The occasional sting on my knuckles, but I just bite my lip.

" I was late for class and I skipped because I knew the teacher would be a both about it. So I went to the fitness room to box and he saw me," I look at her innocently hoping she won't lose her shit. Kasey had a past with him. Long story short, it didn't end well

Her eyes widen for a moment then flutters close as she pinches the bridge of her nose. She takes a deep breath.

" What did he say?" She hates Vargas with a burning passion. I can tell she's about to lose her shit because she's talking very slow and low.

I bite down on my lip and gulp. My hands are shoved in my back pockets.

" I was boxing with the punching bag with no gloves, and being me, I zoned out. So I didn't hear or see anyone completely," I trail off hoping we could get there faster. Just two more streets.

" Go on." Kasey says, surprisingly calm. I take a breath of relief.

" He was yelling at me and I ignored him. He kept on bothering the shit out of me, so I answered him annoyed as fuck. He was like. ' You need gloves or you'll split your knuckles'," I imitate his deep voice. Kasey motion her hands, telling me to keep going.

" I cussed him out, the bell rang and I left. Before that he said that I was a rude bitch." Kasey eyes widen and her fists clench. I roll my eyes.

"Calm down. I said 'I didn't say I was a lady' and the bell rang and I said ' no ever is' and went to class."  I shrug. I take one my hands out of my pocket and rake my fingers through my hair.

"And he didn't know who you were? " She asks. I smirk. I find it amusing.

" Nope. I wasn't dressed in my costume," I motion myself. " Just a sports bra and shorts." I chuckle and she does too.

" How stupid can he be?" Kasey ask. I shrug in response.

" And today when I was dressed back in my clothes, he didn't even notice me . Then he had the audacity to call me stupid, me. " I scoff. Kasey laughs.

We stop at the big house with a pool clearly in the back as people splashed around in it.  People out in the front lawn stumbling and passing out. Red cups everywhere.

I sigh. " Light weights." I shake my head in shame. Kasey giggles. "Wait 'til they go to college. They'll never survive." I nod and lightly chuckle. " C'mon , let's go get some drinks and show them how its done." I grab  her hand and and drag her in the two story house.

We enter the living room. Furniture rearranged for a place to dance. Couches aligned to the space where people sat or dry fucked.

"Ash, kitchens over there." Last points towards the room. I nod and follow behind.

We enter a bet modern styled kitchen. A bar type table in the middle where all the liquor is and red cups awaits.

"Let's see...," Kasey scans over the liquor. " Mm, vodka cherry?" she asks.

"My favorite, pour me up. I want to get fucked up tonight!" I exclaim. She rolls her eyes playfully and pours the drink in our cups. Kasey and I chug it down. and  grab another.

" Let's dance! " Kayey shout over the music and grab my free hand as we enter the living room.

All the lights are dimmed and illuminated. We enter the the center whipping are hair and swaying are hips.

Other people join separating Kasey and I.  I  feel so care free. I open my eyes and see Kasey grinding on some really cute guy with blonde hair. I wink at her when she sees me. She her drink towards me and I do it back.

I close my eyes again. letting  the tingles of my buzz absorb. I move my hips side to side swaying to the beat. Running my free  hand  up my side and rake them through my hair. I take a sip of third  drink as it burns down my throat.

A pair of strong hands wrap around my hips and pulls me against their chest. This feel so comfortable.

My knees feel weak and I feel a weird, yet, good sensation. Like when you do  something  risky so your shaky with all that adrenaline. I  think I drank too much. I take another sip of my drink.

We sway side to side. My back against his front. grinding our hips. His lips trail from my ear  to my jaw and to my neck, lightly biting. I moan. I take my free hand and wrap it around his neck. lightly tugging on the soft hair. I receive a throaty groan and I smirk.

" Let's go upstairs." he whispers seductively in my ear, send chills down my spine. hell yes. I nod frantically and pull away and grab his hand, gulping the rest of my drink. I drag him though the sweaty bodies and throw away the cup somewhere, and we head up the stairs to an empty room.

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