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-beep beep beep- Ugh, I hate school but at the same time I love it. Why you ask, well for starters, I have pretty awesome yet annoying friends. I hopped in the shower, I get dressed (outfit in media^^), brush my teeth, do my hair, and finally eat breakfast. I get up really early so I have time go get ready.

I mean it's only 6:00 and school doesn't start till 7:45. I get there by 6:30 so I can get ready and be somewhat early for class. Jeff has woken up and is ready to leave and so am I.

"Good morning Jeff!" I went over to hug him good morning. Jeff is my moms boyfriend, he's a real gem, he's the nicest person you'll ever meet.

"Morning Blair you ready?" "Yup!" Popping the 'p' at the end.

"Jeff?" I asked rather shyly. "Yes, Blair." "Can we um.. visit mom after school." "Sure hun." I smiled and gave him a big hug.

If you're asking 'why's your mom in the hospital?" Well my mom has cancer and there's 10% chance she'll make it out alive.

Once we've gotten to school, I hugged Jeff goodbye and entered the school. Once I entered the school I went to my locker where Joe and Kim were already waiting for me.

"Why are you guys smiling like a bunch of idiots?" God I hated when they just smiled out of nowhere it's creepy, trust me.

"Well it's only a week from today, and you're gonna 16!!!!" Kim screamed, not screamed but you get the picture. "So?" "So we're taking you somewhere." I just rolled my eyes and got my stuff for my first period.

I got to my first period, and sat where I always sit, in the back. Why do I sit in the back, well it's because I'm a really shy person and hate having the attention or having eyes on me, my teachers understand and never call on me. I'm so greatfull for that.

~skip to the end of the day~

It's finally the end of the day, and I'm waiting for Jeff to come. Finally I see his car, I run to his car and get in. And greeted him.

"Hey Jeff !" I smiled and hugged him
"Hey Blair! Are you ready to see your mom?" I smiled and nodded so fast I thought my head was gonna leave my neck.

When we got the hospital to go see my mom, I ran to the receptionist. "Hello I'm here to see Ana Rivera." "Right this way."

I ran to my moms room with Jeff following close behind. When I got to her room, she smiled when she saw me, I smiled too.


After three hours of being with my mom I had to get home and do homework, eat, shower, and sleep. I said goodbye to mom, gave her a kiss on the cheek, hugged her and left.

Once I got home I ate, did my homework, showered, and finally fell asleep. Today was a good day.
Hey guys what's up! So I. Here with another book/story whatever 😂. I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and comment!!

  Stay cloudy!!!☁️☁️☁️☁️

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