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Every day our walks became longer. I let Joseph in just a little and he just didn’t stop talking. He would meet me at the gate for Ring Three and we would walk to Ring Five. He prattled on about school and the Superiors, even what he had for breakfast. Anything to fill the silence my tightly shut mouth provided. He always kept a respectful distance, after the last time he tried to touch me. I was glad he did but he didn’t need keep a two-meter radius around me like I was going to infect him or strike him.

“What’s it like at home for you at the moment?” he asked, solemnly.

I shrugged. “Paulo almost hit me last night.”

Josephs green eyes were wide with surprise. “He wouldn’t be that stupid, would he?”

“I wish he would. I tried to get him to but he just stood there, smiling at me, cruel and controlled like always.” I was already plotting new ways to bait Paulo, to draw the anger out of him into action.

He shook his head, his hands balled up in fists. “Don’t say that, Rosa. I can’t stand the idea of…um... he could really hurt you.”

“It’s all right, Joseph, I can take a beating,” I said, nervously un-tucking my shirt. I turned my back to him and lifted the loose cotton up a couple of inches, “See.” I revealed the criss-cross lattice of little straight scars I had accumulated over my schooling. I half-expected him to reach out and touch them. Disappointed when he didn’t, I turned around to see him avoiding my gaze and wincing.

“Don’t worry about me; I can take care of myself,” I said, trying to lighten the mood. I put my fists up to my face, dancing around him, punching the air.

He shook his head, smiled at me, and put his palms up. “Come on then, give me your best shot.”

I lined them up and gave his hands two sharp punches. The impact vibrated back through my thin arms but his hands didn’t move an inch.

“Weak!” he said, challenging me. I punched his hands three more times and then pretended to go for his face. He put his hands up to block me and left his stomach unprotected. I slammed him hard in the guts. “Ouch!” He doubled over and stumbled backwards. I reached out to help him, worried for a second that I had actually hurt him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down to the ground with him. We were both laughing.

“Sorry,” I said between giggles. I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling warm and breathless. “Didn’t think you’d go down so easy!”

He coughed, holding his stomach and putting his other arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer, my body fitting neatly into the crook of his arm. “Nah, I let you have that one.”

I could feel strength coming from somewhere inside me, a new sense of warmth wrapping me up in ribbons and rags. I also felt a need to be closer that I didn’t trust. I wiggled out of his arms and stood, my hands up to my face again. “Wanna go again?”

His disappointment was clear but he shrugged it off. “Sure,” he groaned as he pulled himself to his feet.

We tousled for a while until I got sick of him dodging me and I sat down again. He sat next to me but left a foot of air between us.

I sighed and leaned back against the concrete wall. Looking straight up, it appeared to almost meld with the sky. Grey into grey, melting into light blue and white.

“What’s it like in the outer rings? I may never get to see them you know,” I asked.

Joseph propped his elbows on his knees and stared down at the ground.

“It’s not very interesting. Sad. Ring Seven is mostly fields, cows, and sheep. Ring Eight is full of old people. I don’t really like going out there. It feels like everyone is just waiting to die.”

“Oh,” I said, wishing I hadn’t asked. “I guess that’s just another way they keep us separated from each other. Those poor people.”

“You shouldn’t talk like that, Rosa, someone will report you.”

I prickled. “Don’t you start. I’ll say what I want.” I was being overly harsh but I hated anyone telling me what to do.

“I’m sorry; I’m just worried about you. I don’t want you to get in trouble.” He skimmed his hand down my arm, leaving his warmth behind like a delightful burn.

“I’m always in trouble. I’m used to it.”

“I love that it doesn’t bother you. You’re fearless.”

That couldn’t be further from the truth, but I liked that he thought that about me. It made me feel strong. I was very afraid. Afraid of being close to him and equally afraid to not be.

I stood up and started walking again. Just keep moving, I thought.

The Woodlands (#1 THE WOODLANDS SERIES) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now