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3rd persons point of view

As the knights, the king, the queen and the newfound princess rode against the great Camelot - silence hade fallen amongst them. No chuckles, no teasing and no questions.

The young princess was watching as the clouds passed by, the trees moved with the wind and listened to the birds chippering in delight. A delightful grin spread across the young royal face - this became noticed by the often very cocky Sir Gwaine.

"What are you looking at my lady?", said sir Gwain. The young princess continued to smile as she listened to the sounds of the forest.

"Am I not allowed to enjoy the proud trees?", said Claire. As the young lady spoke she did not notice that everyone around her except for Sir Gwain started to smirk or grin. They where already getting fond of her kindness and purity, qualities she had for sure not inherited from her royal grandfather.

"It is just a forest my lady", she looked at Sir Gwain, who rode on his muscular horse next to her.

"First of all, please don't call me a lady, I am just a girl".

"Though you are a princess".

"I was never raised as a princess, I was raised as a commoner. Someone who has equal worth to everybody else. Someone who's life, who's presence is only defined by what they do and how they behave, not by their title. So tell me, does my sudden gaining of a title make me any different from my upbringing?", now everybody were grinning.

"Secondly, you have to open your mind. If you listen enough you can hear the beautiful sounds of the woods - and if you look close enough you can finally appreciate it. Because it is beautiful, and once you find yourself stuck in a cottage or behind cold castle walls this very winter... you will miss it", said the young princess as they continued riding.

The group were now nearing the great castle of Camelot. Claire had never seen such a beautiful building in all of her life before. The towers seemed to almost touch the skies where they stood, tall and proud. People were running around, going about their day. Though much to her surprise, everyone seemed to be looking at her as she sat bareback atop her black mare. Claire had never seen so many people in all her life, and to have all of them look at her at once made her squirm in her bones.

Once the group reached the court yard they all jumped of their horses. Well, all except one.

"This is a dream, is it not?". The king had just helped the Queen down from her horse as he approached his young daughter. His metal boots were clanging as he walked.

"I can assure you that this is real.", said the noble King. He held out his clothed hand for her to take. She looked at him and smiled.

"I can get down on my own you know. I have done it before". He looked into her piercing blue eyes, the same colour as his own, and saw a great determination which made him smile.

"See it as a nice gesture". Claire felt heistant, but soon took her fathers hand in hers. He took a grip of her waist as she took a hold of his shoulders - and before she knew it she was on the ground.

"Now, was that so bad?" said her father in a joking matter as he smiled down at her. She chuckled a little bit.

"Now, Merlin here will show you to your chambers. I expect you to be tired after the journey". It had indeed been a long journey, the sun was already down, and the young princess was indeed very tired. At the same time, she was curious to explore the halls of the great castle.

She smiled at her father before quietly muttering a "thank you". He looked down at her and smiled. "You are very welcome."

The young wizard escorted the princess to her chambers through the musky halls of the castle. The halls were decorated with red flags and torches while the stone floors remained untouched. Her worn, blue ballerina shoes clicked against the ground as she walked and tried to keep up the pace with the much taller servant.

Once the pair reached the door the king's servant, Merlin started talking to the young princess. "These are your chambers. There will be a guard outside your room at all times but if you need me I will be in the tower with Gaius, the court physician. Your parent's room is just down the corridor. It is the biggest door of them all so it will not be an easy miss", the young princess smiled at the man in front of her.

"Thank you, Merlin".

The young wizard was about to leave her when he turned around again to speak to her.

"I know that it's hard... but they did do it for your own good", Claire smiled knowingly at him as he turned around and walked away again.

The princess's chambers were like no other in the entire castle. The room had white walls with golden sides on it. The bed and the dressing table were in the same style, with large, soft cushions placed atop the bed. There was also a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Hand-painted, blue flowers were dressing the white walls with their presence.

"WOW", said the young princess to herself as she watched in awe.


As the princess sat by the window and watched the awakening city, she heard a light knock on the door. "Come in", said Claire in a soft voice. She looked up to come eye to eye with her father, King Arthur.

"I thought you were asleep", He said. The young princess smiled at him before putting her knees to her chest to make room for the king. He sat down and looked out the window along with the princess. "How can I sleep when all of this is around me?". The king smiled as he looked over at the young princess. "I can assure you that it will be there tomorrow. Why don't you get some rest, it is almost morning and you look exhausted."

The young princess looked at her father and nodded before she went over to her bed and laid down - and even though her body left the window seat, her eyes were still glued to the long window with it's magnificent paterns and colors.

"Good night, daughter"

"Good night... Arthur". The king smiled solemnly, knowing that it would take far longer than just a mere couple of days for the girl to come to terms with their relationship. And that was the first sleepless night of Claire Pendragon, her first night at Camelot.

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