Part 1 to everything

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It's was just an average day for you, you were the given the honor to stroll around the massive and unique planet that belonged to the Destroyer God of universe 7. It's been about a year and a half since you've known Lord Beerus during his first visit at Bulma's birthday party but it was his assistant that she had eyes for. Whis. He was a race almost complete different from you, from his beautiful light blueish-teal skin, long velvet white hair that he styled tall and lively purple eyes. And yet, despite being an alien race known as "Angels", he still looked as if he could be human. A great very tall human but he didn't look too off.

You were in need of a place to think for the moment. For you had feeling for the Angel named Whis, had grown stronger and stronger for him and-

"Hello, M'Lady." Came a silky smooth voice that she knew too well. "Oh!" You lightly yelped in surprise before regaining your composure. "Hi Whis, I didn't know you were there." You laughed awkwardly but Whis found to be humorous before until he was given a somewhat serious look. "You know, I'm glad that you're here..." Whis seen how unusually nervous you were acting and thought that there's a real problem. "Oh, what seemed to troubling you? Is everything alright here?" Whis asked with concern. You were now fighting herself to work your courage until you accidentally let out a loud confession.

"I have the strongest feelings for you! All I can do is is think of you and all I ask for is to be by you side!" Oh. Oh wow. That was intensely cheesy. You honestly had a decent confession all planned out but your brain seemed to fail you at the worst moment. You let your head drop from embarrassment as you waited for an answer... But it didn't come.

You looked up to take the tall me standing quietly, eyes shut and deep in thought. You were now getting concern your own self as he finally locked eyes with. Despite his stoic look, there was a slight hint of sadness in his before speaking again.

"M'Lady, I'm afraid that I can not return these feeling for you..." he told you as your heart began to quickly break. "Oh, umm..." You were at a loss of words as the Angel spoke again. "Feel that with the responsibilities that I was given are far too great for me to have a partner at the moment. But that doesn't mean that I don't want to stop being your friend." He knew that you'd be upset and did what he could say to cheer you up. "Please don't be too upset, you are a very lovely woman. And I'm quite positive that you will find a proper suitor in the near future." Whis did he best to comfort you as your being to tear up a bit. "I see..." You said lightly, as quiet as a whisper. Whis could clearly see the pain in your face and gently pulled you into a small, slightly awkward hug. "I do apologize for the feelings you are having at the moment but I assure you that the pain will pass soon." All you could do was nod gently as you pulled away from the bittersweet hug and asked him if he could go ahead and take you back home. Like the gentleman he was, he kindly applied as he held your hand and both warped to the planet earth.


It's been over a month and a half since you were rejected by the Angel and things sadly wasn't the same for awhile. You weren't contenting like you used to, not bother stating starting a conversation with him. You honestly just couldn't be bothered anymore sadly... You knew that your behavior was not very appropriate but you truly couldn't help it.

Today was another party that your friend, Bulma was throwing to celebrate a victory that the others had won recently and there was no way that you could saying no to that! Things were going great at the party. Wonderful food, great music, bonding with others. You felt that things were going great, until they showed up. Lord Beerus and his faithful assistant, Whis.

You quietly freaked out as you turned to the nearest corner and hide out of sight. As you catches your breath, she piers from the corner to see what they were doing. Lord Beerus was greeting everyone happy, yet the normal cheery Angel looked... Somber? He appeared to look around, looking for something until he lighten up slightly, staring right at you, this was his first time seeing you for a while. You've realized that he noticed you as you tries to make a break, only for him to literally appear out of nowhere with in seconds. You've covered your mouth from screaming loudly, for you wasn't used to his teleporting around anymore. "Good Day M'Lady, it's been quite a while. Are you doing well?" He asked kindly as you choked out an answer. You'd looked down at your feet as Whis slightly looked to the side as an awkward silence began to set in for a moment. "Well, it was nice seeing you again Whis but I have to get going!" You felt your emotions walling up as you quickly made your a turn to your car. "Wait, I wish to speak with you on a important matter!" He said in surprise as you kept walking, almost running. "I'm sorry but I must get going!" You've yelled out, waving goodbye as you got in your car and drove away.

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