A Northern Rose

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Hey guys, thank you if you're reading my story! This is one of the first fanfics I've written, so I hope it's okay! Let me know in some comments :). I felt inspired to write this from reading the books and thought I'd share it with everyone. Enjoy! ~ CrownTheSword


I leapt from my horse as soon as most of the party had wandered inside the gates of Winterfell. The journey from Highgarden had been long and tiring, I almost didn't believe that we were finally here.

The Starks stood at the edge of the smoky courtyard, first stood Catelyn Stark, then Lord Eddard Stark and after that their Stark children in order of age. I glanced at them all briefly, Eddard and Catelyn were greeting my mother and the children were gazing elsewhere, but Robb caught my eye.

We shared a few seconds from afar before I turned to face my mare, Gilly, running up her left stirrup and moving to her other side to do the right. Mother would have expected any of her other daughters to follow her quietly in greeting the Starks, but she knew me and didn't expect much. I wasn't your average dress-wearing, courteous, petty girl who simply followed orders.

I adjusted my cream breeches, tucking them neatly inside my boots before I lifted Gilly's reins from her nape and over her head holding them in front of me. I walked her forward and towards one of the residents of the keep, a Smith, I believe. "Excuse me, Sir." I spoke politely. "Could you point me in the direction of the stables?" He glared at me rather confused. He knew who I was and, I'm guessing, couldn't understand why I would be going to the stables myself.

I waited while he looked me up and down, a hand coming up to push his receding hairline backwards. "Uhr- Malady." He hesitated and dipped his head in respect. "It's over there." He pointed to the left of him, behind a hidden corner. "Thank you." I replied, smiling. He still couldn't quite believe what he was seeing, but it certainly wasn't the first time I'd received peculiar looks.

Gilly and I walked towards the barn, my left hand holding the reins and right hand tucked into the pocked I'd sewn into my breeches during the long journey.

A Northern Rose - Game of Thrones // Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now