A Rivers Peace

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My first morning in Winterfell was a memorable one indeed. Snow had begun to fall in the North and the ground was blanketed in the white dust. Being from the South, I’d never seen such a thing and, despite its freezing temperature, it was immensely beautiful.

I watched it flutter from the sky behind the window in the room that me and my mother were staying in. I was late rising this morning and therefore successfully managed to miss breakfast with the Starks... mother wouldn’t be happy.

She must have been dining with them now, as she was nowhere in sight. I could have joined them, but I was in no hurry.

Looking down at the keep of Winterfell, I could see various horses and riders heading towards the gates. Eddard Stark was riding with them, as well as his sons Robb and Bran. They were going on a hunt.

I watched as they departed, twenty or more men riding down the path towards the Wolfswood. Winterfell would be a quiet place for the rest of the day.

Soon after they left I dressed myself into my riding wear, marched out of my room and down the steps of the tower, bumping into mother and her ladies once I’d reached the bottom. I tried to avoid her at first, hastily scurrying past her, but she soon had me by the arm.

She discreetly scowled down at me, cautious of who was watching. “Where were you this morning? I told you I was leaving early and you were to wake up!” She said sternly, gripping my arm tighter as she waited for an answer.

I smiled at her like a child, hoping she’d forgive me. “I’m sorry mother, I overslept. Last night Robb showed me the Godswood, and we didn’t return ‘til late.” I spoke with a hushed voice, still smiling.

Mother then loosened her grip and reached for the Stark pendant hanging from my neck. She brushed her thumb over it, holding it in her hand. “Ah.” Was all she could say, trying to hold back a grin. She’d forgiven me, I was sure of it. “Well, go on then.” She dismissed, dipping her head and returning to her room.

Laughing to myself, I passed through the courtyard of Winterfell towards the stables, finding my Gilly nibbling at a pile of hay and looking rather pleased with herself. “Gill…” I said as I walked towards her, patting her back and wrapping my arms around her tall neck.

Once I’d put on her saddle and bridle, I lead Gilly out from the stables. The yard was busier now everyone was working, and surprisingly made for a rather unnoticed exit.

I lead Gilly towards the same gates that we’d entered Winterfell from the previous day and towards The Kings Road. Pulling myself up into the saddle, I adjusted my seat and grabbed the reins before spurring Gilly into a trot, canter, and then full gallop.

Within minutes we’d reached a small gathering of houses and farms, I remembered them from before. The residents glared at me as I quickly passed, probably assuming that I was some common born stable-hand's daughter.  But I didn’t care enough to even give them a look, I just wanted to reach the emptiness and tundra of the road not so far away.

I could see Gilly’s breath fogging in front of her as she charged, dancing over the cold snowy path. She loved the serenity and quiet just as much as I, so when we reached it she knew exactly when to stop.

It was silent here; the only noise was a small river carrying ice cold water along at a peaceful pace.

A Northern Rose - Game of Thrones // Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now