Opposite Sides of the Spectrum

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It started off simple. Two high school boys. A shared lunch time. And one of them drawing the other's interests by discarding his vegetables into the bin every single lunch. Just like that, it turned into Saruhiko drinking Yata's carton of milk and Yata eating the bluenette's veggies. It was an unlikely friendship. It was... A start of something new. Something that Yata could call beautiful. In secret of course. And it just spiraled on that way.

By the end of the month, it was hard and very, very rare to see one boy without the other, almost as though they were attached by the hip or  been friends for many years. Secretly, Yata thought this was one of the best moments of his entire life, having a friend that he wholeheartedly trusted, someone he knew would catch him if he fell. Not that he was planning to tell this to anymore. Nope, not Yata.

They dropped out of school and moved in together. It was rather sudden, but they both knew that this situation would occur sooner or later. There was no regret. No feelings of hatred or anything. Honestly, it seemed as though they had breathed in a breath of fresh air, like a bird released from its cage. It was sweet. And if Yata had anything to think about, it was excitement. Of the prospect of living with Saru. Of all the things that they would be able to do. Together.

The change was slow. After meeting the Red King, Yata had been enraptured. This was his and Saru's chance. Of changing their lifestyle. Solving their problems. To gain the power which Saru wanted. Yata knew it was rather naive to think that way, but with the problems with rent, the arguments between him and Saru getting more and more frequent... They joined HOMRA.

Correction. The change had been slow. Yata knew he might seem... Unintelligent but having been friends with Saru for so, so long, he noticed it. The miniscule changes. The way Saru glared at the members of HOMRA, especially Mikoto-san. The cold way he regarded Yata through his usually warm eyes. Yes, Yata knew he might seem dumb and obviously not as bright as the genius he hung out with, but he was observant. It was usually overlooked because of his brash actions and hot temper, but to Yata, reading people was as easy as breathing.

Anger. Anger and betrayal. Yata used these emotions to mask his true feelings. Of sadness. Of self guilt. Of self hate. Saru wouldn't have left easily. He would have stayed by his side, wouldn't he? So he must have done something.

What did I do wrong? Why did he have to leave? What have I done? What did I do to mess up this badly? Why? Why? Why! Tell me why! So I can make all my wrongs right again! So you would be my friend again! So you would come back! So you would just look at me without that contempt in your eyes... So we could smile under the sun and laugh and joke again... So, won't you tell me? Saru...

Now, standing on the opposite sides of the spectrum, red and blue clashing in a myriad of colours, flashing in the dark night sky, Yata looks to the one most important to him. Back then and now still. He wonders. If he could atone for his sins now. If Saru would forgive him now. If, maybe... Everything would be alright now...

A single shot rings out in the silent night. As he falls, ears ringing, gasping painfully, blurry shadows before him, Yata vaguely sees the face of his best friend. Hey, Saru... Won't you forgive me now?

"Hey, won't you wake up? Won't you open your eyes, Misaki? I know I've been horrible. I know that we aren't friends anymore. I was jealous, alright? Because you never pay attention to me anymore. I felt like I was being replaced. So, Please, Misaki... Please wake up, for me... Misaki..." The bluenette pleads, hating himself, hating the world, hating everything. Till the end, this reckless fool still chose to put himself in harm's way. Just to save the one who had hurt him in the first place. The multiple wires hooked on the pale red head on the white hospital bed made Misaki look so pale, so fragile, so much like a broken puppet. Saruhiko clenches his fist once again, eyes weary, clothes rumpled. He settles back down in the chair, just as he had done the past few months.


"Idiot. Dumbass. If you had just said that from the start, we wouldn't have gotten into this mess, gone through all the heartbreak.We would still be... Damnit, of course I forgive you, Saru... I never did blame you in the first place. So when I wake up, won't you be here? And we can have fun and do stupid, mindless stuff just like in the past. You are my everything, Saru, without you I am nothing. That's why, I just wanted to tell you... Thank you for coming back."

A single finger twitched.


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