Hi i'm Shadow and this is my family. First there's Amorouqe, she's the alpha leader of our pack. She has deadly claws and super sharp teeth. She has black fur and super light yellow eyes. Next is kitty, she's weird, "really", instead of growling, barking or howling she meows. All she does is meow. I love scaring her but when ever I do her only reaction is meowing! "Seriously, have you ever heard a wolf meow?" But she is the fastest out of all of us. Her fur is Blond and her eyes are green Next their's Crystal she has silver fur and turquoise eyes. She is so so so strong. Fourth is Nefaria she has silvery blue fur and piercing blue eyes she's so sneaky sometimes she can scare me to death and I'm usually the one scaring all of them. Then their's Jello the pup he's the cutest but when ever we have to run a long distance he always trails behind so he's the slowest. Once when Jello tried to hunt he saw a tail but then we found out it was a bunny and it ran away and he is the cutiest out of all of us. His fur color is black and his eyes are yelow. But of course we can't forgot me, I'm Shadow, I go hunting for most of the food we eat. My eyes are as red as blood and my fur is dark brown. My claws are so long if I used my claws on our prey, they would sink so far deep in it would kill the prey good but slowly my teeth ripe through our prey in a flash but it can't be to big. So this is my family, We didn't see it coming but we were about to have the greatest journey of our lives like nothing any of us could have think of.