Chapter 20

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Myeong was reading the letter Shi Jin wrote before going to mission and she started to cry. Myeong Joo went to her father and she said with her father say dad this is wrong information and her father gave her letter Dae young wrote before going to mission and she said I will not open this letter.And she drive very fast and she went to meet with Myeong Joo and Myeong Joo was crying, Myeong saw her and said if you crying like this who will handle me and then she saw letter of Dae young. And they both was crying.

Dr Myeong became professor of the hospital and she was very busy in operations then she went to breakfast when she open her tiffin and she ate her first bite dr Kim said I happy you get your position back and tomorrow is party did you know that's my uncles party. In the night her lame friend and Myeong was drinking alcohol and her friend ask are you ok and Myeong started to cry and she miss Shi Jin and his memories and her friend advice not to cry if you cry Shi Jin will upset and Myeong stooped to cry. Myeong went to cafe and Myeong Joo joint her and they both were in the same cafe where Shi Jin and Dae young were coming in a week. Myeong Joo said tomorrow I am going to Uruk because I am transferred to Uruk and Myeong said I want to. Myeong Joo ask her you can come with me and Myeong Joo showed the teddy bears of ship Jin and Dae young before they have any girlfriend.

Myeong ask Shi Jin and Dae young how became friend and Myeong Joo said because they meet when my father arrange me with captain Shi Jin , I said to Dae young to say my girlfriend is Myeong Joo and Dae young was waiting outside of the building and it was raining Dae young was going Shi Jin entered in his umbrella and they went to cafe and Shi Jin ask how many years are dating with Myeong Joo and he said one year and Shi Jin ask how many years finish you saw her and he replied one months and Shi Jin know that he is saying lie. Shi Jin told with Dae young I wish I get a girlfriend which I can date her by one years and I saw her one months and Myeong Joo explain her and Myeong know their story. Myeong went to her house and she kept the Shi JINS teddy bear and she was seeing the dreams which Shi Jin come and said I want to come but my citizen are waiting me now I want to go bye Myeong and Shi Jin. Went away.

Myeong was going Uruk and she came Daniels call and she pick up the call and Daniel said I am the airport storage room police catch me and she went to meet him and she ask why you are here give me reason and he said I want to sent some medicine in the Uruk medical camp and she taken the medicines in Uruk. Myeong was came in the dessert where she meet last time with Shi Jin. And she kept Shi JINS favorite flowers on the stone and she kept the white stone on that stone but the white stones falls three times and she was picking the white stone. The talk talk gadget some one talk on that gadget and Myeong replied I beauty over and Shi Jin talk on the gadget, she thought that Shi Jin voice  she heard And she was thing she was thinking in her mind. Again Shi Jin talk on the gadget and he said Myeong see back and turn back from back Shi Jin was coming and she ran fast to huge shi Jin and Shi Jin said how he was alive. Before blast of the bomb they went to Malaysia and some enemies puted Dae young and Shi Jin in the jail and the captain of North Korea save Shi Jin and Dae young and they ran away.

When Myeong Joo reached at Uruk she was keeping her storage cupboard and she saw the last letter of Dae young and she promised she will never open the letter till she die. Myeong Joo and the friend of Dae young was eating noodles and the soldier said snow is falling down but she didn't turn back, again he replied and he said before 100 years in Uruk didn't fall snow. Myeong Joo went out and she saw on her shoulders snows make a small circle and she was removing , she saw Dae young coming from front he came and hugged her tightly and she beated to Dae young .he kissed Myeong Joo and Myeong Joo was happy to see him and she also asked about the matter and he also replied same thing. The friend of Dae young was saying the soldier to pack their back and when Dae young came to rooms they was shocked to see and his friend was crying and he ran and he huge her tightly.

Myeong was happy to see Shi Jin and Shi Jin was resting in the camp of Myeong. Myeong came a call of all her friendsamd they done video call Myeong didn't said about Shi Jin is alive and they was talking Myeong ask them why you made video call and her lame friend said I can't see you go were the light is and Myeong went near light Myeong's backside
Shi Jin was eating, all doctors saw Shi Jin and they thought Shi Jin became a ghost and they throw they mobile phone and dr song sang fell down. Dr chi Yeon call her again and he advice say your all words to the ghost of Shi Jin and Myeong started to laugh and shi Jin ask why your laugh I am not ghost did you know doctors and he talk with doctors. Finally the doctors understand that Shi Jin is alive.



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