Kingdom Flaws (8)

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I don't know how he did it.

However, Ritava did it.

I don't get how the guy does it, but in the end everything always works out in his best favor. He basically saved us all with his spell shield, but the force of Utopies was still unbelievable. It was as if a huge meteor created a blast in the springs.

The heroes who came to witness what occurred couldn't believe their eyes. They kept staring at Utopie as if this powerful thing. It spooked me as well to see anger like that create a black electrical ball like that.

All in all because of the attention swarming Utopie the attention off Ritava was barely anything. He was demoted of course because of the lack of his job and was safely pointed as potato cutter in the kitchen where I mostly was.

The non teeth showing grin he displaced as Ritava wiggled his eyebrows when he told me the news. It still baffled me.

It was night once again after the attack nothing was done. During the day since the last game we've been doing odd things in the castle. The next game when and where it would be was a lingering daily question.

A new hero each day would confront us in what we were in that looked like a classroom and we would be tested. They would tell us it was for the games that they wanted it to be equal when really I knew there was much more than that.

After the blunt lessons Autumn would have her regular evening dates with the prince since she won the last game. Autumn gets to be with the prince for one month and that's her chance of getting to know him and vice versa.

Since we would be here for seven months I'm guessing there will only be seven games as odd as it is. The lessons in the classrooms would vary and since yesterday they told us we would have to prepare our minds and go to sleep early.

That's what I exactly intended to do.

"Yerksa," I sighed.


"I need to sleep early for tomorrow," I yawned walking up to her. "May I go early this time?"

"Just work and I'll give you an extra sleeping potion."

I rolled my eyes.

The sleeping pills were strong potions that I took everyday not to feel feel deprived. I would work all night and sleep in an hour or two in the closet. Just by taking one pill it would feel as if I got five hours asleep or more.


I know.

"I always feel worse after a couple of hours taking those pills, plus Agathi-"

"Agathi?" Yerksa raised her eyebrows. "Is she the one in charge of your next class?"

"How do you know about them?" I blinked several times.

"I've got eyes and ears all over this kingdom," she sniffed with a smile. "Besides.." Yerksa murmured. "What did.. This Agathi say..."

"She said to prepare our minds-"

"Did she?" Yerksa snapped glaring at me. I could tell it wasn't purposely directed for me, but she seemed annoyed. "That show off.." She murmured under her breath.

"Who?" I asked.


"Nemy!" Someone shouted.

I turned around to find Ritava shoving through several guards who were coming for their late dinner. They didn't look pleased all in all.

"Look!" He giggled like a five year old. "I cut this potato like a chicken ahahaha!" Ritava slapped his knee.

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