But thank you anyway ♡

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Jimin was making his way to Yoongi's house with a big frown all over his face.He needed to fix all this situation and he nedeed to fix it now.He knew Yoongi was broken and he nedeed someone to be there for him.But this didn't give him the right to do whatever he wanted.He just couldn't go around and beat people for no reason.When will he understand that people were scared of him.And that's the reason Yoongi didn't have any friends.Jimin loved him.But only as a really good friend or as an older brother.Jimin got over Yoongi as soon as they broke up.It was so selfish of him to think that but he was kinda glad Yoongi cheated on him with his bestfriend.This made the breakup much easier since Jimin knew he had now a reason to breakup with the elder.To be honest with himself a month before they broke up,Jimin understood that he felt nothing for Yoongi but he was only staying with him since he didn't wanna hurt the elder's feelings.

Jimin's thoughts interrupted as he saw he was standing in front of Yoongi's white little house.His hands started sweating as he took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.He wasn't exactly scared,he was just nervous.He was gonna have a serious talk with his ex boyfriend and that sounded really weird to him.He heard a few steps and a dog barking comming from inside of the house.

"Shhh baby,i promised to give you alot of biscuits if you behave"
Jimin chuckled to himself as he heard Yoongi talking to his dog Holly.If a thing that Yoongi loved more than anything else was Holly,his beautiful and cute dog.

Yoongi opened the door with a blank expression on his face which got brighter as he saw Jimin standing at the door.
"Jimin? What are you doing here?"
The younger could tell that Yoongi was tired since his dark circles were bigger than usual.He hasn't slept again.

"Hey hyung,can i come in?" Jimin was now watching the elder full of worry since he knew Yoongi was anything but good.
"Yeah sure,come in please." Yoongi's house hasn't changed at all he thought as he saw Holly making his way towards him.
"Hey buddy,how have you been" he said to the small dog who was now licking his all face making Jimin laugh.

"Ya,Holly get off of him.Go sit at the couch.Good boy"Yoongi said as the dog made its way to the living room

Yoongi and Jimin made their way to the kitchen.Jimin was starting to feel nervous again as he didn't know what to say to Yoongi.He saw how fragile the boy looked and he almost felt bad about him.But he had to do this.At least for his friend,for Hoseok.The boy was broken too and he knew that if he didn't talk to Yoongi right now,things would be worst later

"So do you want to talk about something.Or do you want to just hangout.We can watch a movie or we can go to the park.Or do you wanna go eat something?Maybe we can..."

"Yoongi!" Jimin said,interrupting the small boy.He really didn't wanna get the elder's hopes up.
"I came to talk about Hoseok"
Jimin's soft brown eyes was now watching Yoongi's dark ones as the blonde let out a sigh.

"I know you hate the boy-Jimin continued-but i don't really see why.I mean he is nothing but nice and i bet that if you get to know him,you will like him too.And please...please Yoongi don't hurt him anymore.The boy is suffering so much and you, more than everyone should know the feeling.Yoongi,i love you and you know that.Im really worried about you.I just want you to be happy.Make friends,go out more,have fun.I know you have been lonely all of your life and it's time to find someone who loves you Yoongi.At least do it for me."

This whole time Yoongi had kept his head low and hadn't said a word to the smaller boy.Jimin was right.He just didn't wanted to accept it.Yoongi felt like a monster at that moment.

He had beat Hoseok to death and made him suffer so much.Yeah he still hated the kid but at least he could try to be nicer with him.But he really can't help it,he had anger issues.He was taking meds for fucks sake.It was weird how Jimin had this effect on him.It was like everything the younger said Yoongi would do it without thinking twice.He loved Jimin so much but maybe he had to move on.Maybe it was time for him to let go.Jimin wouldn't get him back anyway.He was over Yoongi since after they broke up and the blonde knew it.

Yoongi got up from his chair and he went to give Jimin a hug.
"Thank you Jimin" he whisperd in the younger's ear as he took in Jimin's soft smell.
"For what,i didn't do anything" said Jimin hugging back the elder.

"Just thank you,for being here for me"

"I'll always be here for you hyung,no matter what"
Jimin decided to stay for dinner that night and Yoongi finally felt happy."Things are going to get better"he thought as he laughed with the way Holly was licking Jimin making the smaller boy shouting at Yoongi to get Holly off of him.

A/N:Okay but this chapter has 887 words and is one of the longest chapters i've ever written.So yall finally saw the softer side of Yoongi and awwwww isn't he and Holly so cute im 😫.But anyway i really hope you enjoyed this and next time there is gonna be some yoonseok stuff so be ready 😏.Thank you to all who voted and commented on my story,i love you all

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