[For Goldy] Until Forever || Flynn Scifo

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Written for Goldy-Chan :D

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"[Y/N]? Is it alright for you to be out and about?"

You tilted your head away from the royal gardens and towards the direction of the worried voice. Your gaze fell upon none other than your dearest cousin, whose blue eyes were wavering in concern. She had both hands clasped tightly together above her chest; a habit of hers whenever she was feeling frightful.

A pang of guilt resonated through your system. You felt absolutely horrid for being the source of her concern. Everything aside, she was also one of the two candidates for the Imperial Throne- the other being Prince Ioder Argylos Heurassein. Related by blood, you too were naturally selected as a potential ruler. But alas, you had to abdicate the throne due to your failing health.

"I am fine, Princess Estellise. Please forgive me for worrying you," you replied softly while bowing your head slightly.

The pink-haired princess immediately frowned. Her tone turned stern as she spoke, almost like she was lecturing a troublesome child, "[Y/N], will you please stop doing that? Just Estellise is fine!"

"Oh but..." You muttered, unsure.

You heard her sigh in exasperation before she gently took hold of your hands within her own. You lifted your head, your confused expression silently questioning her intention. She gave you a kind and sweet smile, one that always reminded you of the radiant sun. She would never believe you, but you truly did believe that Estellise is blessed with some form of godly power. Her smile alone could vanish any form of negativity. She was destined for so much- much more than this corrupted Empire could offer.

"I will have none of that." She beamed before releasing your hands in favor of taking hold of your elbow to lead you down the hall. "Now, you really shouldn't be out of bed!"

You shook your head, dismissing her worries. "Nonsense, the doctors said I am fine."

Well, that wasn't a complete lie. They did say you were starting to look a little better, at least well enough to finally be out of bed. You had been confined to your chambers for weeks on end. You had always been sickly, especially as a child. It was not as if you had some fatal disease slowly eating away at your inners. You just had the misfortune of being born with paper skin and glass bones.

"Please [Y/N], you must rest. I insist!"

You bit down on your lower lip, feeling awfully conflicted. You couldn't upset Estellise anymore than you already have. Despite being awfully distant cousins, she was the closest thing you had to a family- to a sister. She was always there for you, every step of the way. She practically shared half of your life with you. You couldn't bear to see her worried anymore, especially not for yourself. You just wanted her to live. And she couldn't do that while you were around.

Yet on the other hand, the selfish part of yourself didn't want to go back to being alone, to sit in a bed and gaze longingly out your window into the outside world. You didn't want to go back and count the seconds it would take before death took hold of you.

You wanted to be out there, to spend each and every precious second which remained of your life with someone you loved.

"But Flynn... Flynn is coming back today!"

Before you knew it, the words had spilled from your lips. Your tongue had moved on your own. And you instantly regret not being able to control yourself.

Estellise immediately stopped in her steps. She knew that you harbored feelings for the young, talented Imperial Knight. She knew how unfortunate and tragic the circumstances were. Your failing health prevented the two of you from meeting very frequently. And whenever you became well enough to leave your bed, Flynn would be absent from the castle.

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