New hair style?

399 13 2

Sakuya: what?! No!
All: yes!
Sakuya: no way
Mahiru: why not?
Sakuya: because you're going to do something weird
Hyde: well duh
Kuro: pay back bitch
Licht: it's a dare you have to do it
Mikuni: I have some special gel
Jeje: yeah its really cool
Hugh: I have an Idea
Tetsu: what?
15 minutes later....
Sakuya: oh my good
Kuro: the wonders of hair spray
Hugh: haha
Tetsu: you're a good model Hugh
Mahiru: oh my god
Hyde: ha you look great!
Mikuni: I should use this gel more often
Jeje: please don't
Licht: there's a Hugh on your head
Sakuya: you literally made a Hugh on my head out of my hair!
Mahiru: I like it
Back at home
Tsubaki: *laughing ass off*
Belkia: what happened to your head!
Otogiri: wow...
Shamrock: fix it fix it now
Tsubaki: no I like it
Otogiri: how are you not embarrassed
Sakuya: oh i am
Belkia: you look retarded
Sakuya: you're one to talk!
Shamrock: I'm surrounded by stupid people
Otogiri: I'm leaving now

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