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Do you even wonder what the world would be like if humans didn't exist? If somehow, evolution didn't happen and the world was peaceful and green and beautiful? Animals and all creatures alike, free to roam the earth. Trees, lush forest and untouched waters. Paths through the dense undergrowth only beaten down by animals - predator and their pray. The air fresh and crisp as it painted the landscape. Soft beaches that lined every shore, waves lapping up the sand and a salty tasting air. 

What if you were the only person on this untouched earth? Always feeling the earth between your toes as you ran through forests and fields. Walking through trees and swimming in rivers. Soaking up the sun, listening to the calls and answers of near creatures and watching the days end and begin by the way of the sunset and sunrise. 

Would the silence of your voice make you feel lonely? 

Then one day, what if there was someone else there who shared your unheard voice? Who walked the same path as you and felt the same things? What if you stood face to face with the only other person on this earth and didn't speak? Would you still feel lonely? Both of you staring into each others souls and seeing the same peace and yet yearning for disruption.

Would you speak for the first time, not knowing what was going to be said? Not knowing if uttering one word would rip you from this serene world? 

Would you risk it all just so you wouldn't be alone anymore? Raising your voice so you could be heard by the other and finally feel the comfort of another's company. Or would you face away, scared of the unknown and the new? 

Would your walk away from a fate that was beckoning you just so you could live in the same undisturbed life that has always quenched your soul? The walking away that could do so much harm and so much good. What if the other spoke up first and the ripples of their words hit you, waking up your lulled senses and opening your eyes to a new reality? Would you take a leap of faith? Or shy away from the brutality a new vision could potentially offer?

One word that could change everything. Would it be 'hello', or another language this undisturbed earth had yet to teach you? 

Could it be that even one look or one touch of the other would be catastrophic to your beautiful place? By then would running away be too late? 

Your world and everything you've ever known taken away for something foreign, something too far ahead for the mind to perceive and all because you couldn't find the courage to run away? To run back into the forest, whose arms are reaching out to pull you back in to the beauty of the present. The creatures calls that ring in your ears with warning and cries for you to return. The rain, spilling from the grey clouds above, trying to shield your eyes from the other who stands before you. 

If you finally spoke and the barrier the world around you tried so hard to maintain shattered, would you wait for a reply of hide away in fear of the answer? If they did reply and it was cruel or alluring would you face it?

In a world of little possibility would you shy away from change? From the yearning of your being to take a chance on this person. A yearning that runs so deep in your soul that it takes every inch of your body to control it. Would you let your soul lead you down that path of uncertainty over the reasoning in your mind? 

To touch the others open hand and peaceful eyes that beckoned you to come with them to a new reality. 

Would you?

I asked myself this over and over as I stared into the others eyes, the windows to the soul. Their hand so steady and waiting for me to grasp on, to lead me beyond my safe world to a new beginning. They watched me battle the emotions inside myself and the emotions of the outside world, begging me not to go. I steadied my breathing, still staring into those warm blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean. The ocean of the land that was pleading me to stay, but the piece of ocean held captive in their eyes was gentle and soothing.

My hand moved from beside me, travelling towards the outstretched one at a slow pace. Everything in my surroundings was screaming out in pain, in sadness, like the moment news of a loved thing had passed on into the earth - waiting to be reborn. Our hands clasped together and the flow of energy from the contact made me gasp in shock and pleasure. A gentle hum replaced the sharp flow of energy and the world around me silenced. I couldn't move. My eyes locked on to the others and our bodies pulled to one another and we stood standing still.

I melted into the embrace and all at once the memory of my home, my world, the animals and creatures, the trees and lush forests, the sands of the beaches, the feeling of earth between my toes merged into one moment in my life. The moment where all my beginnings came to an end.

A moment in time where everything was simple and calming. My very beginning in this life has come to its end and it was time, my soul was whispering to me, to fine a new beginning in this lifetime. To find a new world that held more possibilities for me to unravel and to follow. 

This moment had ended and it was now time for a new moment to unfold.

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