Chapter One

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I'm going to go ahead and put it out there now, there might be some smut and there will be some things that might trigger some people. I'll mark all the chapters that have the triggers and whatnot.

Also everyone ignore the cast list, I was using it in my original story line but I changed my plot so it's wrong now. I'll delete it whenever I fix my laptop.


(Michael's POV)

"Hi my names Michael. I figure I should introduce myself since it's only polite but I'm too busy running for my damn life! Here... let me backtrack a little."

~Earlier that day~



I run as fast as I possibly can, freedom on my mind. Just let me leave damn it! Why can't they just leave me alone?


it's say that I'm terrified would be a understatement.

I bust through the doors of the lab and run through the storm cold, naked, and alone.

I run as fast as my little legs can carry me until I make it to a park.

I wander around the park for a while until I see a bench being occupied by the most beautiful boy I've ever seen.

What the fuck...who is this angel on Earth....?

(Luke's Pov)

It's getting lonely in my apartment with Brendon gone, he went to visit his little sister and he won't be back for a couple days or so.

I might just go to the park or something since it's totally normal for a nineteen year old guy to walk around a kids park by himself.

I walk through the park gates and sit on a bench that hasn't been touched by the rain yet.

I lay down on the bench and start to sing Therapy by All Time Low when I hear a low meow.

I sit up and look around when I see a beautiful gray cat with a blue tint to it's fur and piercing green eyes.

"Hi there, are you lost little guy?"

Then the cat walks up to me and nudges my leg so I pick it up.

"Do you have a name? You obviously can't answer me so I'm not sure why I'm talking to you and asking questions and...stuff. I'm rambling, sorry. Well my name is Luke and it's freezing out here so would you want to come to my place until we can find your owner?"

The cat just stares at me so I pick him up and start my journey on home, humming the whole way.

(Michael's POV)

Luke..that's a pretty name

Oh god okay this cute dude is looking at me. Just play it cool Mikey.

He's asking me all these questions that I can't answer but at least he's making an effort.

He just picked me up and said we're going to his....I'm internally screaming!

Now we wait for the freak out session that's inevitably going to come in the morning when Luke finds out what I really am.

Therapy ~MukeWhere stories live. Discover now