Jealousy Incarnate

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"I can't believe Adrien asked you to the prom! I mean, it was so out of the blue!" exclaimed Tikki, Marinette's kwami while they sat in her room later that night.

"I know! I'm just as surprised as you are... Why do you think he asked me?"

"Because he likes you?" Tikki said with her "come on this is obvious" face.

"Adrien Agreste likes me??" Marinette said putting her hands to her hot face.

"Why not? You're a smart, talented, beautiful young woman. You weren't chosen to be Ladybug for nothing." mumbled Tikki.

Suddenly a news report came on the TV with Nadia Shamat reporting on a new villain named the Evnianator dressed in a green prom dress!

"Tikki, look at that! She's making everyone jealous of each other and making people fight! This is awful! We have to go help!" Marinette exclaimed.

"Just say the words."

"Tikki spots on!"

As her outfit appeared she smiled and thought how she wouldn't trade this for the world! Being a super hero who saved Paris on a daily basis had its perks! Especially if she could face the villain after being asked to the prom by the guy she had had a crush on for years!

Jumping out of her room and swinging towards her target, she wondered if Cat Noir had gotten the memo yet. She called him on their private phones. She smiled when she saw his masked face answer.

"Yes m'lady?"

"Are you there yet, Cat?"

"Not yet, but I'm on my way!"

"Me too. See you there."

She swung towards her target near the Eiffel Tower. "Why is it always the Eiffel Tower??" she mumbled to herself.

She landed on the ground next to Cat who had already arrived.

"Nice of you to drop in," he said, winking at her.

"One day we need to visit the tower without a villain being part of the deal," she said, winking back.

"Agreed m'lady. It's a date!"

She looked up just in time to dodge a green arrow shot by their new villain.

"I'm so sick of all these romantic flirtations! It makes me so... Envious!" she shouted, her green hair flashing in the light of the Eiffel Tower.

"We're not being romantic..." Ladybug said putting her hand on her hip.

"Speak for yourself," Cat Noir said blocking another green arrow.

"I'm so tired of being denied! If Adrien Agreste won't take me to the prom, no one is going!!" Evnianator shouted disdainfully.

"Adrien?!" they both shouted simultaneously.

"Wait, just who is this chick?" Cat Noir asked genuinely confused.

"Wait, I think I know! There's been a girl following Adrien like a love sick puppy for weeks! Her name is Jacqueline in the class below." Ladybug said without thinking.

Cat Noir's eyes widened. "How do you know that??"

"Oh Uh, I just happened to be passing by..."

"You people stop ignoring me!! You are so full of yourselves!" shouted Evnianator, throwing hundreds of arrows at them.

They dodged and blocked them all fairly effortlessly, but Cat Noir looked like he was having trouble focusing.

"Hey Kitty! You okay?!" shouted Ladybug.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir Where stories live. Discover now