First impression

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I groaned as my alarm rang in my ears. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in my bed. Looking round the room I realised where I was and it was starting to seem real that I had actually moved house.
Today was the day I would start High School and a feeling of uneasiness and excitement was filled in me. After a refreshing shower I stood in front of my bed, my towel wrapped around me, and clothes scattered across my bed trying to decide on an outfit. They say you'll never get a second chance to make a good first impression. This could be the difference between having friends or being a lonely moron for the rest of the semester. If Scott was going to be there as well I had to look good. Eventually I decided on a casual top and jeans with some trainers.
When I was walking to school I noticed loads of other kids walking around me. I instantly had a  flashback from the humiliation I felt when walking to my old school and hearing the constant whispering and gasping directed at me as I walked. Back in the moment I heard the noises, laughs and shrieks of the people around me grow louder and it went round and round in my head. I fell down to my knees and stayed there until I had control of my emotions and the noises had faded. When I got up I saw all the faces staring at me. Acting totally normal, I carried on walking towards the school.
As I went in I was greeted by Mrs Martin who was a friendly looking lady with strawberry blonde hair. She told me to follow her and directed me to a classroom full of students and a teacher. "Hello Mr Yukimura, this is our new student Anna" she announced in a cheerful tone.
"Mother there's a seat over here where she can sit" called a girl across the room who similarly had strawberry blonde hair and bold eyes.
"Lydia, that is very kind of you but what have I told you about calling me mother at school? It's Mrs Martin to you" the woman replied in a stern voice.
"Okay sorry, Mrs Martin" she said in a sarcastic tone rolling her eyes. The woman gave her a stern look and then left the room. As I walked over to the seat, intertwining between all the desks, I accidentally knocked a pile of papers on the floor. Frantically, I tried to pick it up and put it on the desk before anyone could start laughing at me.
"Here let me help." Said a male voice. I looked up and saw the boy sitting at the desk. His hair was slightly sticking up and he had deep, brown eyes.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... I...I...-" I panicked as I frankly tried to explain.
"Ahh don't worry about it. I didn't do well in that test anyway so I was planning on putting it in the bin, but the floor works too" he said with a grin in the corner of his mouth. I laughed and picked up the rest of the paper.
I walked to my seat, half embarrassed, half laughing. The boy I had just spoken to exchanged a look with another boy across the room, who happened to be Scott, and they smiled at each other. I was watching them when someone tapped me from behind. When I turned around there was a girl with short brown hair.
"So why are you in Beacon Hills did you get drawn here by spirits or something" she said in a patronising voice.
Another girl interrupted "She's joking. Sorry she isn't usually this rude. My names Kira and that's Malia" she said half laughing trying to cover up what the girl had said. The other girl jus smiled sarcastically.
"I'm Anna" I said shyly in return.
"It's nice to me-"
"Kira, it is rude to talk over someone else. You should know better. Don't think that I will be soft on you just because you are my daughter. This is a warning." Mr Yukimura said sternly. Kira nodded and looked down at her work.
At the end of class I walked outside and stood awkwardly as I had no one to walk with. Scott walked over.
"Hey did you wanna come eat with us at lunch. That's if you want to of course!" Butterflies started to fill in my stomach and I became nervous. This was my chance.
"I would love to" I said, immediately regretting I hadn't said more.
"Great I'll come meet yo-" he was interrupted by a girl, who I remembered was called Kira, who thrusted her lips on his violently. He smiled and they carried on their little 'makeout'. It then became apparent that he was not as interested in me as I thought and clearly already had a girlfriend. I don't know what I was thinking, I would never have a chance with him anyway.
She looked over at me and smiled and then said innocently "oh no sorry did I interrupt something?" Although I felt that what she did was rude, she came across as genuinely sympathetic.
"Er, no, not at all" I replied
"I'll see you at lunch then" Scott smiled. They both walked off holding hands and I was left by myself. I was about to walk off in a sulk when a voice came from behind me. "Hey, Anna right?" I turned around and found the boy whose papers I had knocked off the desk. I felt a bit embarrassed after what had happened and wasn't sure what he was going to say.
"Oh yeh, I moved to Beacon Hills on Saturday" I said.
"Ah cool, well my name is-" he paused for a second before continuing "just call me Stiles" then pulled a cheesy grin.
"I'm sorry about earlier"
"It's not big deal! I'm clumsy all the time, trust me. That's why my jeep has several dents in" he laughed goofily and I smiled. "Well I guess I'll see you around, you seem like a nice girl"
"Yeh I'll see you around" then we both separated to go to different classes.
There I was thinking that I wouldn't make any friends at this school. I have met some people who seem really friendly but I need to decide just how friendly I want to become with some of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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