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The streets are empty with only a few plastic bag flying in the midnight breeze. The street is polluted with trash, garbage, and wandering strangers lying around the turn of every corner. The streets lights are cheap as they blinks almost every second, the street is deserted, away from the bigger road on the other side of the crumbling slums, and the narrow alleyway of every space between the buildings leaked of the smell of feces and the rotten scent of composing food. 


You leaned against the dirty brick wall inside the alley, facing the older boy on the inner depth of the walls, who currently have a lollipop sucked into his mouth as his foot is tapping on the ground in unique beats. 

Taehyung is pretty, too pretty to be on the streets, and it almost seems as irony of how a boy like him is in charge and the boss of multiple brothels in this messed up neighborhood of the city. Taehyung is handsome, tall, and have underappreciated leaned muscles that coats around his skinny looking body, he have that style, the ugly yet attractive feel about him, that just makes him every teenage girl's inappropriate dream, and he even smell like a player. 

"Hey y/n, whaddup?" Taehyung gave you a fake grin, and half of the kindness in his voice than he usually give you when you two speak. You don't blame him for being cold to you, after all, you two just broke up, and this is the first time you talked to him after he caught you on his bed. With his best friend Jimin. 

"I'm here for the money." You exhaled heavily, sort of embarrassed of how you have to beg him for money right after that accidental incident, after all, he is kind of your boss too. "Please don't make this difficult." 

"Oh, So I'm making this difficult?" Taehyung spat in an irritated voice, and faintly, or maybe is just your imagination. You can spot a bit of pain in his voice. "Y/n, you're the one who cheated on me." He mumbled quietly. 

You sealed your lips into a line, not knowing what to say. 

That's true, you cheated on him. But you didn't meant to, you would never sleep with Jimin, but you did and it was an accident. He was drugged, and you were drunk. Hoseok thought it would be funny to hook himself up with Jimin, and being Hoseok, he drugged Jimin with a playful manner, he sworn he would dip Jimin in an ice bathtub for payback for the last time Jimin poured him with an ice bucket of water. 

Then the whole coincidence happened, you just happened to be with those two at the club, and worse, you were drunk because of the triple shot the bartender gave you. Hoseok told you to hold Jimin for a second so he can go to the bathroom. Then the next thing you knew, you were home on your and Taehyung's bed, making out with Jimin, and Taehyung, your boyfriend, standing by the doorway with an unexplained expression on his so, so pretty face, a mixture of confusion, anger and pain.  

"I just want my money..." You muttered. You're living on instant noodles, and the taste of the cheap food taste so nasty after three days of constantly eating them. 

You were hurt too, of how lost Jimin and Taehyung looked, how Taehyung slammed the door behind him and left, leaving you there with Jimin apologizing to you while on the edge of crying. And you on the other hand, were just too stunned to do anything other than stare. 

Taehyung broke up with you on that night, saying that he doesn't need a man whore. 

You know he didn't meant that, heck, if you guys are counting the people you two slept with, Taehyung have double the number you would have. 

But did it hurt? Yes, it did. 

"And you don't have anything to say to me?" Taehyung clicked his tongue, pissed. He step out of the shadows and into the dim light of the moon, he's long bangs is pushed back by a black bantana, you can see his eyes more clearly now. "Oh, maybe... Why don't you give me an apology of fucking our best friend on our bed?" The bitterness start to rise in his voice. "I trusted you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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