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"How's your day been?" Harry asked, slipping his black hoodie on over his head.

"The usual" I mumbled picking at my finger-nails, Harry was as usual my last client of the day, so I could waste as much time as I wanted on his small talk.

"So..." he tried to keep the conversation going "got any plans for the weekend?" he asked looking up at me, he was currently knelt on the ground lacing up his trainers.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes Harry, I'm just hopping off to the country club for a round of golf" I rolled my eyes, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Nevermind" he mumbled avoiding my glare.

"Do you have any plans for the weekend? I'm assuming you don't have a date" I eyed him.

"And why would you think I don't have a date?" He tilted his head sideways at me.

"Because you're here, with me I mean. You don't seem like the type of guy who would sleep with a prostitute and then run off to woo some lovely lady." I laughed.

"And how do you know I'm not married with three kids and a mortgage?" he smirked at me.

"I don't" I laughed crossing my legs and shifting in my seat.

He just chuckled in response, before standing up reaching for the door.

"For the record..." He said hovering in the doorway "you're right tho', you're the only woman I'll be seeing this weekend" he winked as he closed the door behind him.

Ever the charmer, I laughed to myself.


"Ok girls, you have the rest of the night to yourselves." Max dismissed us clapping his hands together as the room descended into chatter.

There were about twenty of us working for max, not including the housekeeping or reception staff.

I turned towards the group of girls sitting next to me who were conversing casually.

I listened in, catching ocassional snippets, before I got off the couch and decided to go and find something else to do.

"Courtney" I turned around at the sound of my name being called, to see Max coming down the staircase behind me.

"Would you mind coming into my office for a second?" He asked stopping in front of me.

"Of course" I smiled politely.

I followed him through the hallway to his office where his body gaurds stood at the door in their usual position.

"After you" he smiled holding the door open for me.

"Thank you" I smiled walking past him into his office and sitting down on the large black velvet loveseat pushed up against the left wall.

Max followed me through, sitting in the leather seat behind his desk.

"So how's your shift been?" He asked taking off his black blazer and placing it on the back of his seat, and then ruffing his brown hair.

"The usual, no problems." I sighed leaning back onto the seat.

"Good." He nodded smiling faintly.

"Is there any particular reason you asked me in here?" I questioned trying to sound as polite as possible.

"As you know Courtney, you've been working here for a while now, and I just wanted to make sure you had your priorities in order." He said, all playfullness vanishing from his tone.

"Look, Max, if you're worried I'm going to leave... I won't, I can't, I have nowhere to go" I laughed bitterly "and I could never do that to you after you saved me, I mean god knows what would have happened to me, I might be back on the streets or in the abusive hands of my alchoholic father who is still grieving from the tragic death of my mother after she left us years ago." I exhaled twidling my thumbs nervously.

"And, you know I could never leave David." I laughed along with Max "he's more than just a gecko, he's a brother to me, and I know he'd never forgive me for leaving." I smiled up at Max, who had a lopsided sympathetic smile on his face that didn't quite reach his piercing blue orbs.

"Well, I should let you get going then." Max smiled getting up from his seat and ushering me towards the door.

We bid our goodbyes and I headed up to my room to catch some shut-eye

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