We ran to Star Labs. When we got there Cisco ran up to us. "Barry! You need to see this." We followed him. When we got there we saw it. An article that said "2019 The Day The World Ended" I read the rest out loud. "Today in Central City the speedster Savitar has been terrorizing us for days. The Flash has tried stopping him but he's too fast. In 2017 after the fight with Black Flash, Reverse Flash, and Godspeed a person dissapeared. A week after on a camera he was carrying a strange box. He opened it and vanished into a breach. People think he is Savitar but that hasn't been confirmed yet." I stared at the article. I didn't know what to make of it. "There has to be a way to change it right?" Wally asked. "I don't know Wally. I do know we have to look for someone." I said. We heard someone bang on the wall. We looked and saw Eobard. "Now Flash... It's time for him to come back... It's time for ZOOM to come back!" Black Flash ran around him until he turned into this.
The Flash The Complete Edition
FanfictionBook 1: The Black Flash Book 2: Flashpoint Paradox Book 3: The Curse of the Speedforce Book 4: The Battle of the Two Speedsters Book 5: The Fastest Man Alive Book 6: The Mystery Speedster Book 7: The Curse of the Speedforce PART 2