You Used Me

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Maybe, Elisabeth. You would have found me if you looked harder. Maybe you could have seen me one last time before I left. There's a lot of things that you could have done that you didn't. And so much you missed out on over the years. Maybe, Elisabeth, everything could have worked out fine if you didn't give up so easily. Maybe just maybe.


Elisabeth. She was the kind of girl who thought she had everything figured out. Always thought the world would turn out fine in the end no matter what. Never considering the consequences or how she hurt people. She was flamboyant and vibrant. Always getting to know others in a way that could eventually.... benefit her.

And sadly, the people she didn't care for ended up being the people who loved her the most. The girl would never do something that could hurt her reputation. And God forbid, you did anything to jeopardize her reputation. It was something that was very important to her. And Elisabeth was willing to knock away any obstacle keeping her from what she wanted. What she felt like SHE NEEDED. She just didn't realize that she was the one ruining her own reputation all along.

Ever since she was 13 years old, Elisabeth had been addicted to drugs and alcohol. All sorts of pills and any liquor she could get her hands on. Elisabeth loved trying "new things". In our town, that's what she was known for. The chick wasn't afraid of mixing drugs together. Resulting in her stomach getting pumped so many times. She's been to the hospital in-and-out for years. This doesn't even count toward how many times she's been to the Mental Hospital either.

This has been going on for 5 years now. And each day that goes by I can feel all of us slowly dying on the inside. Her problems have become all of our problems. We're all so tired of it. It never ever seems to end. Now Elisabeth's problems have become so finely engraved into our lives, that we have to keep track of everything. Keeping the cabinets locked, and trying not to have any sort of medicine in the house she'd want. All of this has gotten to a toxic point. Now, I swear every negative thing that happens to us, Elisabeth is brought up in it somehow.

Sometimes it just feels like people blame her for things she hasn't even done, because of how much trouble she's caused us. Often, we all sit at the dinner table while she's "out". (Out doing whatever debauchery she feels up to, I guess.) We get so mad that we talk about how evil she is... How evil she's turned. Sour like a rotten apple. The antichrist on the corner of the block.. A phantom always in the room no matter how far away she is..... It makes you ask the big questions. "Why does she still linger?" and "What did we all do to deserve this?".

Who knows? She's just a parasite. Using us all. Her Mom says Elisabeth was like poison on the tip of your tongue. "Slowly killing you while leaving a bad taste in your mouth."

A lot of these words are very harsh. But it's the truth. That girl has destroyed a lot of good opportunities. She's 18 and hasn't graduated High School. She dropped out in 10th grade. Has gotten pregnant numerous times. Arrested all the time. And now she can't even hold a job. Then yells at everyone who pisses her off. (A.K.A) the people telling her to fix her lifestyle.

It's such a shame. I thought at one point she was the love of my life. Elisabeth was truly one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. Always shining like a star. Lighting up the room whenever she walked in.

My fondest memories of her was when she'd roll down the block on a nice summer's evening. Riding on her cute, shiny, red bike with the bell. She'd ring it 3 times in a row, signaling for me to come outside to play. Me and her were really close as kids. The best of friends. It's just so sad....Who would've known that star's light had died out so long before?

Who would've known that star's light had died out so long before?

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