'In Our Town, Abertinee'

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It was hot Tuesday morning in July when Elisabeth decided to finally come home. She had been gone for 6 days straight without a word. We all tried looking for her the first two days... But gave up afterwards. We all figured she'd be back. After all, She always comes back... Right? Elisabeth, was the kind cancer that usually goes away for a while. And then relapses during the happiest times of your life.... A vicious disease. Darkness always looming over your shoulder when near.

Her Mother, Brenda Schwark, didn't have time to look for her daughter anyways. She was too busy keeping up with her job to put her time into Elisabeth anymore. Poor, Mrs. Schwark, had to provide for her family. Someone had to. She was the main breadwinner in the household. A nurse at the local Hospital. Next to her husband, who was a simple mechanic in town.

And now they both have to work harder than ever. Just to make enough money to pay off all of Elisabeth's bills. My God, the whole household was swimming in debt. Bathing in it. Bill after bill after bill. She basically owes everyone and all their Uncles by now. The family hasn't been able to afford vacation time for the past 5 years. They're suffering and their oldest daughter doesn't care.... Why?... Elisabeth? Why?

After I got word she came home, I decided to come over to Elisabeth's once I knew for sure she was stable. It was pretty early in the morning, and I was invited over to eat some breakfast. I couldn't wait to catch up, and eat some nice pancakes. On my walk there, everything felt really peaceful. Like the calm before the storm I assumed would erupt later. I swear, this place was considered the most perfect 'white picket fence neighborhood' in our State. And to me, it really was. We had no crimes here for the longest time. And everyone got along just fine.

As I was creeping down the sidewalk, it looked like not a single tree was out of place. All of them were aligned. Only a light cool breeze would move the leaves. Nothing else. Not even a single hair on my head. In this little town of Abertinee, there was more green than any other color. Nature surrounded us all. As a matter of fact, if you want a good comparison, Think of the town like the one depicted on 'The Hidden Valley Ranch' commercials.

Except, our town had a thing for fattening, heart attack inducing, doughnuts. Here, we all weren't about that: 'veggies n' ranch' kind of life. No, most certainly not. In Abertinee, to put it bluntly, we love buttered corn and fried chicken up the ass. We like to lick the bread crumbs off of our plates. And we drink Coca Cola, like a baby calf sucking on its Mama's teat. Yes, we aren't the most healthy of towns. But, Goddammit, we were happy. That's all that mattered here.

 That's all that mattered here

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Each year, in August, we have a doughnut festival in town. Yeah, I know. It's basically a massive fucking doughnut party for the collective cult. The carnival food is so greasy it makes your heart quiver at the very sight of it. But, that's what made the food taste so good. The town has been able to have this festival for 69 years straight without someone dying. So I guess that gives us a reason to be thankful.

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