Chapter Eleven

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The question caught me off guard. Colt had never been so... bold with such a question. An awkward question.

I froze, when I spoke, I stuttered, "W-w-what?"

"I asked if you were a virgin..." he trailed off.

"Of course I am!" I shrunk away from him. "Why?"

He shrugged. "I just wanted to know."

"Why? Why on earth would you ask that while we're half naked?!" I shrieked, hiding my fear of that subject from him.

He shrugged, a lopsided grin on his face. The sun shone brightly on him when we passed a window. "Y'know I'm always curious."

"Ya, well control your curiosity. What if Tom suddenly appeared? And what if you just happened to ask that?"

"Then I'd laugh, and say I was just joking." He snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"This is serious, Colt, no joke, he'd skin you alive in a heartbeat and it wouldn't be because he caught you, he'd do it for fun." I pushed open the door, my hands sweaty. I'd have to tell Colt about my fear, or else I'd end up drowning.

"Relax, Ali, I was just kidding," he kissed my forehead lightly, "Why are you so worried? Miranda got rid of him."

"Yes, but he could just walk in any moment!" I worried away on my bottom lip.

We reached the pool, it was now or never. I had to tell him, but I didn't know how to.

Immediately, Colt jumped into the deep end, thus pulling me with him. My heart rate went up instantly and I started kicking my legs and arms furiously, trying to stay afloat. Water went up my nose and down my throat, choking me. Long, lean arms I recognized wrapped around me and pulled me up.

"Jesus, you weren't kidding when you said you couldn't swim."

"Colten! Please, please, please put me on the poolside!" I yelled, adrenaline pumping, I was scared shit less. Or should I say piss less? Considering I'd peed myself as soon as I came in contact with the water.


"Because, Im scared of the water and you are so not helping that!" I cried, tears racing. I was extremely embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry," he lifted me up and onto the side of the pool. His thumbs traced away the tears that were mixed with pool water, he leaned foreword and kissed me. "Why are you afraid?"

I froze, not knowing what to say. Unsure of how to explain what had happened so many years ago.

"Alice? What happened?" he smoothed out my wet hair. "You can tell me."

I shook my head. "I don't know where to start." I said softly.

"Start from the beginning," he suggested.

"Okay," I exhaled. "Promise me you wont interrupt?"

"I promise," he nodded, taking my hand in his.

"When I was little..."

I swam in the shallow end of the pool happily, the sun warming my pale skin. My dad paced on the poolside, talking on the phone quietly.

I giggled, splashing water at dad, who wore a business suit.

"Stop it, Mae!" he yelled at me, before going back to his conversation.

I pouted, swimming nimbly over to the deep end to practice treading water like my swimming teacher instructed.

I was only a guppy, though, I wasn't supposed to go over to the deep end. And before I knew it, my leg was cramping. I screamed loudly, but my dad continued to ignore me.

The water quickly took me under, using its mass against me, pushing me down,
I kicked ferociously, but my leg was still cramped, so whenever I moved it, it would pull a muscle. I screamed, but all that came out was bubbles.

Water pushed its way into my nose and mouth and thus going down my throat.

"...So if Miranda hadn't gotten to me in time, I wouldn't be here." I finished, more tears pouring, only these were angry tears.

"Ali, I wont let you drown, I'll be by your side at all times, just let me teach you." he squeezed my hand.

"I don't want to, Colt."

"I know, but I would never let anyone hurt you. Do you trust me?"

"Yes," I didn't have to think about that answer at all.

"Then you can trust me not to let you drown, right?" he grabbed my other hand too. Now he had both of my hands in his.

I paused, "Yes..."

He gently placed my hands on his shoulders and then placed his on my hips.

"It's okay, I wont let you drown," he leaned in close to whisper that in my ear before he pulled me close to him, so that my torso down was under water.

Colten helped me get used to the water and then he taught me how to swim again.

Hey! How is it? Do ya guys like the chapter?!?! I've wanted to use this idea for a while, so volia! Here it is! Im so happy that I used it in this book, so it can show that Alice really does trust Colten. Stay tuned for more. :) <3

Xoxo, Morgiebug

P.S. not edited.

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