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This story starts with two children who wanted nothing more than a life of adventure. As a hobbit though, it was, and still is, wildly frowned upon to go on adventures yet there were still some who wish to see more than just the Shire.

One was a little girl named Camillia who loved to read epic tales of warriors that journey far and wide as they please. Her favorite was of a warrior princess saving her entire kingdom by sacrificing herself.

Another was a little boy by the name of Hildifons. He was always getting into trouble in some way, whether it be getting home late or tracking in mud through the carpet. Everyone around knew his name by hearing his mother shouting it at least 10 times a day. Though he never meant any harm the occasional accident would happen causing some damage one way or another.

These two children had never met until an early summer morning when Camillia decided to go for a stroll along the side of a lake. She had a book in hand and was looking for a comfortable spot to sit and read. Before she could find an area of grass that seemed appropriate someone jumped out of the water and got her all wet. She huffed and looked up to find Hildifons with a smile on his face trying to hold back a laugh. He apologized and said he saw a bunny drowning and he was trying to save it, to which he held up a very scared and wet looking bunny to show the girl his good deed. After that they became friends but she never let him live down that moment.

As the years passed they soon found themselves growing closer and slowly falling in love. As soon as they were of age they had gotten married. Though not many approved of the marriage, for most believed that the two adventurous souls would get each other killed, the few who showed up to the wedding are the only ones who understood what true love really meant. The months that passed consisted of planning and saving for their long awaited adventures. Six months after the wedding they found they were pregnant. Excited about the news they halted everything and started to re-plan. Starting to ration food and money for a trip to Rivendell. They started to sell their items that were not essential for living.

Another six months went by with Camillia's stomach growing larger and larger by the day. They decided that they had enough food and money to travel to the elven sanctuary. The night before their departure they sold the last of their household items and packed the rest of their things for the long trip ahead in their wagon. Grabbing their pony and leaving under the cover of night they set out on the road never once looking back.

One long, uneventful month of travel passed as their eyes lit up at the sight of the entrance to Rivendell. Once they made their way to the gate the guards asked what their business was. Stating they would like to stay here and give birth to their child one of the guards escorts them through the palace while the other takes the wagon and pony away. The guard leads them with different twists and turns then leaves them in a secluded area of the grand palace. Looking around the book filled room they soon realize they are in someone's study. Soon a tall man in silk robes walks out of an unnoticeable door in the back of the room. He smiles knowingly and says they are to stay in a suite in the palace. The couple's shocked expressions make the elven lord laugh lightly then personally escorts them to their room.

A few months of staying in the palace passed and Camillia started to go into labor. After hours of the mother screaming in intervals of pain it all stopped and everything was silent. For a long while, there was nothing, which scared Hildifons, shaking him to his core. Finally one of the healers came out with a solemn look on her face. She informed him that the baby was a girl and she was healthy as a horse. "But the mother did not make it." That was the one sentence that shattered his whole world. A few weeks had passed and he decided that he was done grieving, that he had a daughter to raise. The child grew alongside her father's grief. The more she grew the more she looked like her mother. Acted like her mother. Walked like her mother. Talked like her mother. This only tortured the father more with every passing day. As the years passed he could not bear it and ran to the Wilds, never to be seen again.

The child stayed in Rivendell and was raised by Lord Elrond's daughter, Arwen. When Arwen thought the hobbit was of proper age she asked her "Would you like to become a lady in waiting and learn the proper etiquette of the elves or would you like to learn the art of war?"

What really shocked the elleth was when the young hobbit said yes to both learning proper etiquette and how to wield any weapon properly. Over the years Arwen had the warriors teach the young hobbit how to fight in many different ways with many different weapons. By the time she was 16 the young hobbit was a master at sword fighting and archery. Though she still had much to learn, she was asked to teach young elflings how to fight as well. As she was doing so, Arwen taught her the ways of a lady in waiting. Having lessons on the different tongues of the world and the etiquette for each region. She had a wonderful, ordinary life that she was getting bored of. She wanted a life worth living, one full of adventure and maybe just a little romance. She planned to sneak out so she left separate notes for all the children she had grown so fond of, Arwen, and Elrond. After that she packed her bags and planned the course of her soon to be new life.

There were many places the hobbit had read about in books and studied on maps. She could tell you anything you could ever want to know, from the smallest regions of land to a whole kingdom of gold. She had taught herself many things about middle earth but the one she was most excited to go and visit was Mirkwood. That was her first place of travel as she set out into the world for the first time in her life, ready for whatever life threw at her. The artists of old portrayed it as a beautiful and peaceful place to visit and an even better place to live.

She waited until the first guard passed her room to sneak out with a sack full of things she would need. She stayed in the shadows barely making a noise. More guards walked by but didn't even glance her way. As they continue on their way, so does she. She first went to the cellar to get one month's worth of food. She grabbed anything she knew they could spare like some meat they never ate, fruit, cheese, and even some seasoning. She wrapped and packed up all the food then went off to find her pony, Saddam, that Lindir had found wandering the borders of Rivendell.

When she got to the stables she tiptoed down to his stall. She had not seen him in weeks so when he saw her, he jumped up and down with a mouth full of grass. She laughed and hugged his neck while petting his mane "you are such a good boy." She let him go and set down her things to get him ready. She grabbed his saddle, bridle and blanket. She first threw the blanket on his back then the saddle and finally she threw the reins over his head then gently pulled the bridle over his face and ears. She gently pet his nose as he nudged her face. She giggles "good boy." She picked up her bag and slung it over her back. She quietly walked her horse to the front gate.

Just as she mounts him, a voice quietly and sadly said "not even a goodbye?"

Her head whipped around to see Lindir standing at the bottom of the front gate steps with a solemn expression "Lindir, you scared me." She jumped off the pony and walked up to him "you can not stop me from going. I will not stay here any longer."

He knelled down to her height and smiled "I know, I just thought this might be the last time I may get to see you." After he said that, tears pricked her eyes and she jumped into his arms and held him tight around the neck. The hug seemed to last forever yet not long enough as they slowly and hesitantly pulled away.

She looked back at Lindir one last time "Navaer mellon*." With that she hopped on her pony and rode off into her new life without a single regret.

*Goodbye my friend

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