Is close to me

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Stiles sighed in annoyance as he sat in his jeep with West, and Scott. The tension was high and thick enough to be cut with a knife.

Stiles glaring at the windshield as he watched the preserve. Derek had put them in groups. He, West, and Scott were supposed to do a stake out at this part of the preserve.

Honestly, he had a feeling Derek put him and Scott together since the two of them had been ignoring and avoiding each other.

Stiles know it cause a rift in the packs dynamics, but he didn't care. Scott was being an asshole so Stiles would be one back.

"So when did you two get so close?" Scott asked the two in the front seat.

Stiles ignored him and West smiled answering, "I asked for his number."

Stiles snorted, "One of the most awkward and unusual things ever to be done to me, might I add."

West blushed.

Scott looked at the two of them with suspicious eyes, "So are you two then...?"

West's eyes widened and his face became red while Stiles choked on his spit.

"No, he actually started out wanting to get close to Malia."

West defended himself,  "In my defense, I wouldn't have minded getting your number for you anyway."

Stiles blushed slightly. He hasn't really thought much about relationships. Sure he used to have a crush on Scott but he is his best friend... Or was anyway.  Then there was Derek- but Stiles isn't even going to go there. And Lydia. And a girl or two.

He could also count Peter. He actually was probably the highest one on the list at the moment. He was becoming one of Stiles most trusted people, him, West, and Malia.

Stiles just couldn't really see anyone looking at him that way.  At least not anymore. Not since all this started.

"But I do have a theory about Pet-" West started to add but then Stiles noticed something move in the trees in front of them.

"Shh," he said raising the hand and turning on his head lights. He saw a dark shape move in the trees and started unblocking his seat belt, "There's someone out there, come on guys."

He got out of the Jeep, Scott and West following. He started walking towards the area he last saw the figure. Scott was scenting the air while Wests eyes glowed gold and he scanned the surrounding area.

Stiles heard some talking from ahead and he followed it.

"Do you guys hear that?" Scott asked.

West nodded, "I know that voice..."

The three of them neared a clearing that had a large pit meant for bon fires and benches made out if old wood around it in a circle.

On one of the benches sat two teens.  Both looking familiar to Stiles. They were laughing about something and Stiles saw a bottle in one of the teens hands.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "Let's go back to the car," he whispered.

West and Scott both stood still on alert. Scott's eyes now shined a deep Alpha red while West was completely wolfed out. Okay so maybe that wasn't all it was.

"What do you hear?" He whispered.

He heard a loud crack of wood being broken and saw one of the benches flying at them.

West grabbed Stiles and jumped out of the way.

The bench broke into thousands of little wooden pieces, showing its old age.

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