A Month Later

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Im gonna skip a month into tour

Mickeys pov

Were at tour now its crazy some fans were hype,crying,happy its just crazy but its cool to see all the people who are supporting us and who just wants to say they met somebody famous,but me and prince are great.

Tiras pov

Tour has been good me and ray are still going strong and he got me a necklace that says Ray and Tiara Forever.hes so sweet i think im starting to love him.

Smileys pov

Wow this tour has been exciting and interesting, but me and roc are going good hes so perfect i hope we never break up or have issues

Charms pov

This tour so far has been fun but i dont know whats wrong with the omg girlz they act like we did something to them we even tried being nice starting a convo but they just be rude and say bye i don't get it but whatever. Prod and I are going good tho we've had our ups and downs but everyone does. Tiara and I were going on the boys bus and Prince And Roc were going on the girls. So we can hang with our boyfriends /girlfriends

Tiara and ray were playing 2k 14

T : ray stop cheating!

Ray: im not (he is he had his sliders up)

T: yes you are you not slick i saw you change the sliders when i came from the bathroom



Ray: i love you

T:i- wait what you say

Ray: i love you really i do

T: you serious

Ray: yes i never said i love you to a girl before and i even droped all my hoes for you

T: rayy aww i love you more

Ray: nahhh-kisses her-

Tiara:-kisses him back-

With Mickey and prince

They were plating a game on his phone taking turns

Mickey: omg this game is complicated

Prince: no see -guides her finger to help her

Mickey: ooooooo

Prince: -laughs- yeah you wanna play flappy birrds


Prince: oh well ok here you start

Mickey: -going to 5 then loses over and over-ughhh

Prince: bae you only get one turn

Mickey: wait i got it -loses- ughhh

Prince:-tAkes the phone out her hand- lets do something else

Mickey: like what

Prince: this -kisses her-

Roc& smiley

Smiley was showing roc how to draw

Roc: ok i got it -draws a messed up stick figure-

Smiley: yeahh rocky kets just start with your name in bubble latters

Roc: ight i got that -writes i love you smiley in bubble leters- here

Smiley: omg roc i love you to an this look pretty

Roc: yeah i can already draw i just like being with you and i wanted to write that

Smiley: awww-kisses him-

Roc: -kisses back-

Babydoll: -looks disgusted-can yall go on. Somewhere with that

Smiley: sorry

Babydoll: yup

Roc: lets go to your bunk

Smiley: i dont feel like walking

Roc: i got you-picks her up and takes her to the bunk-


They were just siting down with the boys talking about random stuff and she had her head on prods lap and her feet on issas

Prod: ok so if i get a D in a subject it means dumb

Issa: yeah

Charm: no it doesn't i dont know what it means but not that

Diggy: im so confused

Prod: as always

Charm: i wanna play basketball

Prod: well i think were parked and i got a ball and-looks out the window- prefect were by a park leggo

Charm: yay

Prod: ok me and you Vs Jacob ,diggy and issa

Jacob: why is it 3 against 2

Prod: cause were better we get ball frist

Jacob: no your not and ok

Charm: wait

Them: what

Charm: if me prody win like were going to -kisses his cheek-you guys gotta do anything we say

Issa: ok sure but thats not gonna happen but if me and my boys win you gotta cook and clean for us

Charm: ughh

Prod: dont worry babe were gonna win

And 45 minutes later it was A Tie 24 to 24

Diggy: so we both win what we do

Charm: we will cook and clean for you for a week and you do what ever we say FOR a week

Everyone: Deal

Charm: im so smart-flips hair-

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