Chapter Two

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Chapter One:

"You know, Brynne, you don't have to do this. You don't have to go. You can stay here in town, come live with me and just get a job or something. We can make it work. You and me." Weston said, tossing some of my books into a box.

"No, but I do. I'm excited to get out of here... I've waited my whole life to be freed of Orange County. I've never fit in here, I've never really belonged. My life is meant to be enjoyed somewhere else. I just know it."

"How exactly do you know that place is Seattle? None of your family is there, you have no friends, no contacts, nothing. How are you even going to survive?"

"Weston, I don't expect you to understand. You got into Stanford.

Pre-law. Everything you've ever dreamed of."

"Correction: everything my parents have ever dreamed of."

"Whatever. The point being is that I got into a good school in Seattle. One of the best in the country for my field of choice. And I'm going to meet people. Do things I've never experienced before. I'm going to get to finally live my life for me with nobody to stop me. Isn't that something you should be supporting and not doubting?"

Weston sighed. He looked at me with those deep blue eyes and he didn't even have to say a word. I knew he was worried about me. I knew, even after months of therapy and rehab he still didn't trust my judgement that this is what is best for me.

"Brynne, I've never once doubted you... I just worry about you. We all worry about you, have been worried about you all Summer. I just don't want to see you fall apart in a new environment all alone, without anyone there to help you. Do you see where I am coming from?"

I reached for his hand, and gave it a gentle squeeze. I gave him a small smile because I knew he was just worried and that he loved me. I knew that he was scared.

"I see where you are coming from, so just try to see where I am going, okay?"


Weston and I have been together since the summer before senior year. He is basically everything I am not.

He's the class clown. He can make anyone laugh, literally anyone. The boy barely passed his senior year of high school due to laziness, but got a 179 on his LSAT. He's brilliant in the unknown kind of way. He's deep, and nobody would ever know from the front he puts up.

He's also very selfish, and it's all about him. He has a bad attitude towards authority and doesn't really believe in anything having to do with faith. Don't even get me started on even talking anything more long term than a week with him. He hates commitment.

But, somehow I love him. I love him with everything I am made of. And somehow, he loves me too.

How our relationship is going to work? I'm not quite sure, honestly. He's going to Stanford, one of the prestigious ivy leagues, and me? I'm going to the University of Washington. A leading public university known for it's astounding Eco-programs and medical school, but definitely not Stanford.

I like to think that we will survive the distance, but time will tell. He says he loves me and I guess the distance between us will prove that. That's the thing about distance; it either makes you or breaks you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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