Chapter 2: I Do Not Blush

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"ha ha Hermione I have a better chance of getting a partner than you" Ron teased, obviously feeling anxious and jealous noticing some boys looking at her. Rage filled Hermione, she really didn't plan on going. She walked away to the library leaving Ron rather glum.

Victor Krum came up to her in the library and asked her to the Yule Ball, but she kindly refused and said she didn't think she'd be going.

When she returned to the commonroom, Harry and Ron came up to her and asked if Victor asked her to the Yule Ball, Ron was looking jealous and the word had gotten around. "Yes" Hermione said, feeling slightly sick and rushed up to her bed without another word.

It was the end of all her classes and felt angry, she had overheard Ron talking to Harry in the desk behind her in Potions. Some of the insults included "Why would he ask her?" "What does she see in him?" "What does he see in her?" "Why would he-" they kept on going and Hermione was sure if she was behind them, Ron would have two holes in his head.

Draco made his way to the Great Hall after Potions and found a letter fall into his hands, as a bird soared above his head. He smirked as he read the following words "Meet me at the tree that hits."

"Well, well, well Granger what did you want to see me for?" 

"Yes." She said plainly.

"Yes, Yes what?" he questioned,

"Yes Malfoy, I will go with you."  She turned to leave but turned back around to look at him as the next words emptied out of his mouth.

"It's a date, Granger" He smiled, and she couldn't help smile back,

"It's really not" She said defiantly and had trouble turning her eyes away from him.

The words "Bye Hermione" came out of his mouth as she walked away.

And was it not for her hearing him using her name so delicatley, she might not have fainted.

But yet again, fate had run another course.

"Hermione." He had run over to her and brushed her cheek with his thumb. 

"Hermione" He whispered, lowering his mouth to her ear as he said it.

She moaned and her eyes flew open quickly as he leant back, his eyes still fixated on hers.

"Wake up Sleeping Beauty." He cooed. Hermione couldn't help but laugh. 

"Did I-" she looked down, then looked back up at him "-faint?"

"Yes I believe so." He helped her up and they felt a rush of tingles flood through their body as they touched. Draco never wanted it to end, and Hermione didn't either. Even though she didn't know why.

He walked her back to the castle, making sure she wouldn't faint,

"I think you should go to Madam Promfrey." Draco said

"No I'm fine" Hermione shook her head at his statement but he wasn't giving up that easily.

"Not a question, Granger. I don't want you to bump your head and get hurt again, sleeping beauty"

The words rung in Hermiones mind, "I dont want you to get hurt" 

It took 3 minutes for Madam Promfrey to tell Hermione she was fine, but she insisted to keep her overnight just in case, at these words Hermione shot Draco a angry look and he laughed "I hate you." Hermione muttered unconvincingly. 

Hermione made herself comfortable as she laid down in her bed. 

"Not to make you faint again and all but-" He started saying and smiled, Hermione cocked her head. "-Bye Hermione." and with that he left.

She felt her cheeks burning red, and hid her face under her covers, muttering the same sentence over and over again. "I do not blush, I do not blush. I do not- damn you Malfoy."

Draco Malfoy, had made Hermione Granger blush.

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