i call up rose and she picks up[luke and rose conversation]
'' heyyy luke!''
''hey rose can i come up''
''yeah sure my mom and dad are gone for the week''
''okay rose ill be there in a minut ''
''okay byee"
[phone hangs up]
i get up and head out the door i start up my car and head to her house as im driving im just slowly thinking to myself im gonna regret this for the rest of my life i park in the drive way and i head into her house she is not in the leaving room maybe she is upstaires i hear music upstaires and i head up staires i see her on her bed writing something her long black hair is put up in a bun and her bangs cover her hazel eyes but she is smiling i slowly think to myself it will be over soon plz frogive me rose i slowly walk up to her she moves back to the edge of her bed she starting to cry but i have to ignore it gotta do this to see my family i finally get her and start to cut the air from her she starts hitting my arms for me to let go but i just ignore it im so sorry rose she goes limp and i hear a voice well done luke a tear falls from my eye and i just start to cry what did i just do why did i just do this i cant bring my friend back i start to shake her rose wakeup plz plzplz!!! im sorryy!!
i pick her limp body up and move her bangs out of her eyes shaking her to wake her up but its to late i killed her with my own hands and shes never coming back ive gotta hide her body before somone sees her i wrap her up in a sheet and carry her to my car i put her in the back of the trunk and i drive to the bridge
i lift her out of the trunk and i say my last words to her dead bodyplz frogive me for what i did i had to just to see my family i finally throw her over the bridge and into the water i quickly drive off as im driving i see another car following me
oh gosh what if they saw what i just did i drive faster trying to lose the person i turn on to another road and they stopped following me i fianlly get back to my house and i see the same carshoot! that looks like rose boyfriend! what if he saw me and what i did... i slowly get out of the car
''hey luke have u seen rose?''
''oh okay maybe she just went to the mall"'
''yeah she probley did''
''okay dude bye''
i feel my self getting nervouse and guilty and mad at myself gosh thank gosh he left i run inside and lay on the couch thinking what i just did i just killed my friend just to see my family.....what kind of friend am i!!
so who thinks luke is gonna make another bad mistake? read my next chapter to find out also comment on what i should add in my story if u like to