More precious than the Arkenstone

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Thror sat on his throne with Thrain and Thorin beside him. They had collected a gem, more beautiful than any other, as if it was one of the silmarils. The Arkenstone. All paid homage to him. Even the elves came, and you were with them, as one of the female guards of the king. Most fancied him, but you didn't. When you came into that throne room, dozens of feet high and carved out of beautiful stone, you looked around in awe. That was when you saw him. A young dwarf prince, dressed in blue. Thorin, who was not yet named Oakenshield at that time. You stared at him and only the sound of Thror who spoke got your eyes off him. You listened to the conversation with much less interest than you should've but the prince was far too gorgeous not to look at. When you went that night to the room you had gotten, you thought about it. It was ridiculous, he was a prince, and a dwarven one, and you were a simple silvan elf. Yet you had the weird feeling you had fallen for this dwarf like an avalanche on the mountain. You shook off the thought and went to bed.

The next day, you and the other elves were guided through Erebor by Thorin, the young prince, because Thror was busy ruling, and Thrain, as the heir, had to pay close attention. You found yourself drawn to the dwarf, and even if you did not notice he was also drawn to you.


Thorin's POV

My father had told me the elves came that day, so I dressed in my most perfect clothes and stood next to him as he was standing next to my grandfather. When they came in I was astonished by their beauty, and even though the rest of us all seemed to be drawn to the great king Thranduil, my eyes flew over a female elf, and stopped there. I had never seen a more beautiful creature in my life, and I believed I never would.

I finally got to see her again, after the night ended and I had decided that I had was love-lorn. I led the elves through Erebor and showed them the mines, the forges, and everything else interesting there was to see. But actually, I was only guiding her, and the others were just walking there. We talked a little and she seemed really nice, though we were both a little too awkward to really chat. I had something in mind.


{Your} POV

That evening, there was a dwarven guard at your door. "Lady {y/n}, prince Thorin requests your presence in the Eastern Wing." "Alright I'm coming." You replied as you quickly braided your hair, so it would look okay. Meanwhile you wondered why he would call you. Had you done something wrong? You walked with the guard, who's name was Dwalin, you learned, to the Eastern wing, and you found it very strange that he was smirking all the time. You made no comment on it though. He opened the door so you could get in the room he pointed at and then he left, leaving you to stand in the middle of a huge room, and once you got a better look at it, you found it were the prince's private quarters. For a second you wondered where Thorin was, when he came out of his bathroom dressed only in pants. When you saw him you blushed and looked away. "I'm sorry my prince!" He blushed as well. "{Y/n}, are you here already, I didn't hear you come in. Wait a second I'll put a shirt on." He quickly walked to his closet to get one. Meanwhile you thought about how handsome he looked without a shirt. You shook off the thought and turned. You bowed to him. "Prince Thorin you requested my presence.." He nodded and replied. "I did indeed. Come sit down." He walked to his balcony, his room being on of the few with a chance to look outside. You sat down on a chair outside and looked around before you gazed back at him and into his eyes. He began, and for the first time he spoke you notice he could not quite find words. "I...uh.. I have.. noticed.. that you.. in my presence..." Your eyes widened and you did not listen to what else he was saying. He had noticed she had fallen in love and now he came to tell he didn't love you back. You held back your tears and wanted this to be over. "Are you listening?" He said as he placed his hand on yours. You snapped out of thought and shook your head, but didn't pull your hand away, much to your own and his surprise. "I'm so sorry my prince, I jus-" He cut you off by gently pressing his lips to yours, leaning over the table. Your eyes widened before they fluttered closed, kissing him back. When you pulled away your cheeks and the tip of your ears flushed crimson red. He grinned sheepishly. "{Y/n}, I love you." And you replied smiling. "I love you too."

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