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I'm beginning to know when you are here. It's like a tickle, not quite a shiver down my spine, but close. Then I turn around and there you are, beautiful you. I know I've been short tempered with you at times, but I love you really. Perhaps not as much as He does, but is that even possible? How is it that you glow like there is sunshine upon you even on a dark day like this? Perhaps that's your inner angel showing through. He said I'd find it in you, I wonder if this is the beginning... but enough of that, I have something exciting to share with you! I thought up the best "get rich quick" scheme ever and it's so simple, so easy. No work really, do you have a printer at home? If not, we can use mine. We're gonna be richer than Warren Buffet before he got all charitable. Anyway, sit down, make yourself comfortable, I've got to be fast - apparently we're meeting Dakota soon.

So here it is, we're going to make a new currency called the "Squid." Only we can print it. In fact, if anyone else prints any we're gonna have them in jail for counterfeit. It's only real when you and I make it.  And that's not all! Here's the cool part, when people don't have enough Squids they come to us for a loan (with interest!) **exciting!** All we do is enter the number of Squids we lend them on a computer screen, no need to even print anything. Then they work for their whole lives to pay us back in Squids. I know you must already be excited, but here comes the best bit of the plan, once we've flooded the market with cheap loans we say, "Oh no! Too much inflation," and raise interest rates, make loans harder to get. Unemployment will rise and they'll all start to default on those loans. That's when the real fun starts. We seize their property, houses, land, cars etc. Keep that going a few generations and our families will rule the world! We can turn all those silly Squids into real world goods and power! Crazy, right?

Oh, hang on, God's telling me something. He says that scheme was implemented a long time ago, if fact, that is how the global money system really works. He says there is plenty for everyone on Earth but I should tell you more about that another day. Shit. That means we're the slaves. Ah, well, I guess I'll just go back to being God's Angel then. At least saving the world means saving something real, right? I guess that means yesterday we were discussing if we should kill Kitty for digits on a computer screen. Is the whole world nuts? Sometimes I think it is.

You're probably feeling like you know me by now, getting a feeling for who I am, what my background might be. But you don't know, not really. I'll tell you things about me later on, things no-one else knows just to show you that I've made mistakes too, that I can get angry, feel vengeful and hate. I'll show you my own darkness. I haven't been "fully awake" since childhood, that's over twenty years of "sleeping," plenty of time to make mistakes, have regrets. I still make errors in fact, but I'm learning to reduce them bit by bit. Knowing more doesn't make you perfect, on the contrary, it shows you just how imperfect you are and how much there is to work on. But I digress, as is in my nature, I was about to make an introduction of sorts... but you look like you want to ask a question.

You want to know how Kitty is? She's sleeping on the cushion, the purple one over there. See, she's quite happy. With each tiny breath her furry belly rises and falls just a little and if you listen in closely there's a slight snore when she exhales. So cute!  I think she's bigger than yesterday, isn't it amazing how fast kittens grow? You can play with her when she wakes up if you like, she just loves to chase a piece of rainbow wool. Until then maybe we'll see her paws move in her dreams, that's always fun. But we won't talk about her much now, just check in on her every now and then; it's time to meet Dakota and I can't wait to see how much she's changed since I knew her. The updates on how her life has been going are confusing and it's only coming to me in dribs and drabs, so we'll just have to make the best choices we can on the given information. That's life though, right? Often we don't have complete information, in fact isn't that the usual state of affairs? You seem to be looking for something? What? No, she isn't in the room. Dakota isn't in the house at all, well, technically neither are you, but we'll let that slide. Dakota is out there in the rain, I'll show you.

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