Another sad kookie

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The boys around jungkook are popular guys cause i saw them yesterday walking down the hall with girls following them one of them yelled "why are you still here?!" "Im waiting for my f-friend"jungkook stuttered please leave me alone chanyeol"
Oh so that bastard's name is chanyeol "friend?what friend?why would a crybaby like you have a friend and why should i leave you alone huh?" Jungkook stood up said "cause i said so leave me alone Park" in a firm voice
Chanyeol got ferious and punched jungkook i ran there and quickly grabbed kookie's arm and ran towards the garden when we gkt there jungkook fell and starting crying even harder than last time "jungkook?" I said carefully "Y-yes" "can i make a promise?" "What kind of promise?" He asked softly "a promise where i will say i will protect you and always be your side and to not let anything happen to you i'll always be there will you take that promise?" Jungkook started crying but not of sadness but of happiness he gave me a big hug
A bearhug
"Lets go inside" i said "can we please stay here for a while please"he half whispered "ok just for awhile"i agreed he laid his head on my lap and closed his eyes his one eye is black and blue then he opened his eyes he has the beautiful brown eyes i've ever seen i snapped out of that thought "lets go in class might start soon"i said and lifted his head up "ok" was all he said as he sighed
Jungkook why you gotta be soooooo cute its impossible i thought we went inside and luckily the bell hasn't rang yet

Sorry for another short chaprer i lost some of the writing and had to write it all over again but i forgot what i wrote so i made some anyway please comment if you have a suggestion or qeustion bye~stay awesome*^*#^#☆^☆

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