Faded Smile (boyxboy)

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Max's P.O.V

I smiled widely at my foster mom before rushing outside to my new bus stop. We had just moved, so I was going to a brand new school. which believe me, I'm excited about! I rushed out to the end of the driveway and stood, waiting for my beloved bus to arrive.

Yes, I actually like school! Even if it's a bit harder for me to learn! I tapped my thigh's impatiently waiting. I bounced a little when I heard a bus in the distance, yes! The bus turned the corner, and stopped at my driveway. as the door swung open, I smiled at the bus driver who returned with a smile back, "good morning, your Max, correct?" he asked, as I got to the top step,

"Good morning, yes sir, nice to meet you," I smiled, and he looked at me with slight confusion but still a smile across his face,

"Well, you seem to have great manners, I'm gonna like you," he chuckled, "I'm Mr. Dan, have a seat in the back." he nodded, and I returned with a smile then looked at the seats.

Most of them were occupied and whoa, tough crowed. Nearly everyone's eyes were on my own, and none of them looked pleased. I shrunk my eyes to the ground and began walking. As I walked to the back of the bus, somebody shoved me, which made me jump out of my skin.

I seen a shy looking girl with her eyes out the window, so I hurried and sat by her, sinking into my seat. Man, these guys weren't morning people. hmph.

The bus pulled into the school parking lot, whoa, it was huge! I hurried and got off the bus, practically running in excitement up to the school. I got my schedule from the main office along with my locker number and combination, then began searching for it.

Once I found it, I put my combination in, then placed some new empty binders in it for each class, leaving out my first hour binder, plus a pencil and the planner I was given at the office. People continually stared at me with mean expressions on there faces, which creped me out. Did I smell bad? Was I ugly? gease. I wore cologne!

I screeched as my back got shoved into my locker, smacking my ribs against each side of the metal.

"Hey!" I whined, rubbing my ribs.

I sighed and hurriedly shut my locker and went to my first class. My teacher sat me next to Dylan, he was tall, he had black hair that covered his ears, and swung over his forehead, nearly covering an eye, his eyes were hazel, and he wore a black V-neck t-shirt, along with his white skinny jeans. he was very attractive! like, he was identical to Danny Warsnop!

He was my lab partner, although he didn't make eye contact with me, he just stared straight ahead, hardly blinking. I scrunched my nose up and smiled to him, holding out my hand,

"Hi! I'm Max, I'm new here, but I'm sure you already know that..." I blushed stupidly.

He turned his stare to me and gave a small smile, shaking my cold hand, with his warm one, "I'm Dylan, you like it here?" He sounded interested and kept that small smile on his lips which only made me blush more,

"Um, yea, I like how big and roomy it is, but the students don't seem to welcoming, I think I annoy them or something," I pursed my lips pouting slightly.

"Aw, well they'll get used to ya, if you want I could help you with your schedule, what classes do you have?"

"Uhhhh good question," I pulled out my schedule and gave it to him, allowing him to read it over.

"Hmm... This is our only class together, besides lunch, but I know where your classes are, ill take you there okay?" He offered, handing it back to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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