The Day Before

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It was a cold morning in October, Friday the 13th. Harley had just woken up to get ready to go to school. She had blue eyes, purple hair (which was slowly fading back to blonde). She hates school and didn't want to get up early to go somewhere she didn't fit in. Once she was ready she grabbed her bag, earphones and walked to the bus stop. Where she meet Finn. He was tall with light jet black hair, green eyes and black glasses. It's finally the last day at school" she said to as she approached him.

As they stood their talking about how crap school was and what they was going to do when they leave school in a year. They was talking until the bus came. She went up to the top deck sat next to her best friend Melody. Melody was short with brown eyes and straight ginger hair. It was a 15-20 minutes. Harley was happy to see that her friend was already at school. As she walked into the Hell she had to live 5 days a week, she saw a familiar face. He was tall, muscular with dark brown hair and light blue eyes. Stood next to him, his twin brother who had light brown hair, and dark blue eyes as was also tall  and muscular. 'Hey Brooklyn' she shouted as she got off the bus. He was in his usual place standing out there school (Reswose Academy).

Reswose was an old, majestic looking building. It had two huge wooden doors leading into the bright spacious corridors. All the rooms where dull and cramped, with the tables in rows.

As Harley walked with Brooklyn and Ryan to their first lesson. The day had five lessons starting off with chemistry with Mrs Wood. Then, she had double history with Finn and Melody with Mr  Tuck. After their first History lesson they had a 20 minutes break where she meet up with Oli and Aron. Oli was short with short ginger hair. While Aron was tall with brown hair scruffy hair. After they had history they slowly walked to Re with Mr Four, lucky Harley had Autumn and Charlotte. Charlotte had electric blue hair (which was fading back to blonde) which was straight. Autumn had dark purple hair (was recently re-died) with brown eyes.
After they had Re they had maths with Miss Johnson. The day was nothing special as it usually was.

As she went to get her bus home she head a familiar voiced behind her. It was a tall, dirty blond hair with blue eyes. This was Ashton, Melody's boyfriend. They was heading to Ashton's house as she was meeting his parents.

On the way home on the bus. The bus ride felt shorter as Harley was listening to one of her favourite bands ( Panic! At the disco).

Once she got home there was no one there as her mum was her youngest brother and sister up. Jacks and Caitlin were twins with blond hair and green eyes. Naith (the oldest sibling)was not home yet as he was still working. He had blond hair and blue eyes like Harley. She hated being the middle child. Their dad left when Naith was 10, she was 6 and the twins were just born. The rest was history, they lived with their mum from then on. But Harley always dreamed that her dad would come back. But it's been 8 years since he walked out and she was slowly losing hope that he would come back.

Every night she hoped he would come back. But recently she had stopped hoping he would come back and went straight to sleep. Like she did tonight. But this time something changed?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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